Is Man City’s aim complete domination of the Premier League, or are we all just being hysterical?



By Nitram

In conversation, I have had it said  to me:   “There is a certain hysteria about MCFC dominating the Premier League”, as if somehow we have all got this wrong. Manchester City aren’t looking to monopolise the Premier League. They just want everything to be fair.

To which I say, REALLY?!

So let’s have a look at what Manchester City have achieved, where they are, and where they appear to want to go.

These are the facts:

Manchester City have won eight of the last 13 Premier League titles since the takeover. That’s 61%.

They have won seven of the last eight  Premier League titles. That’s 87%  If that’s not ‘dominating the Premier League’ I don’t know what is.

Man City have won the last four Premier League titles. That’s 100 % If that’s not ‘dominating the Premier League’ once again I don’t know what is.

This is their domestic domination since the takeover in a little more detail.

  • First: eight times  = 61%
  • Second: three times = 23%
  • Third: once
  • Fourth: once

So, that’s finishing first or second 85% of the time since they first won a title post- takeover. If that’s not ‘dominating the Premier League’ I don’t know what is.

And thus, even with the current draconian rules, okay illegal rules if you insist, Man City are a gnats cock from total domination. Worrying about that is not hysteria. Yes, we have had dominant teams, and duopolies in the past, but never one team so dominant for so long.

Indeed if you want to see what domination does look like, take a look at Scotland.  In 12 of the last 13 seasons in Scotland, Celtic have won.  And possibly linked to this is the fact that February 2012 Rangers went into administration, thus leaving one club with far greater financial resources than the rest.  That’s not identical to the Premier League now of course, but it shows what happens when one club is financially unencumbered, while its rivals lag far behind. 

But in England it is even worse than that.   For despite being able to monopolise the PL as much as they are, they are still not happy.

It was said, partly in their defence, partly as a pacifier I think, that “…..several of those titles were very, very tight,” as if that somehow makes this monopoly okay? As if we should be in some way satisfied that we can at least finish that close.

So, let’s have a look at how close things really are shall we:

20/21 Man City finished 12 points ahead of Man Utd in second spot. Hardly a close run thing I think you’ll agree.

Okay, the next the seasons the runners-up were a bit closer, but beyond the front two it’s a different story:

2021/22 Man City finished one point ahead of runners-up Liverpool but third placed Chelsea were an enormous 19 points behind Man City.

2022/23 Man City finished five points ahead of runners-up Arsenal but third placed Man Utd were an enormous 14 points behind Man City.

And the next season we were lucky enough to see two teams chasing them, but again beyond that the picture is bleak:

2023/24 Man City finished two points ahead of runners-up Arsenal. Okay third placed Liverpool were reasonably close a mere nine points behind Man City, but here’s the thing: fourth placed Aston Villa were an enormous 23 points behind Man City. That’s closer to Wolverhampton in 14th place.

But this is the key point. Even with this monopolising of the Premier League Man City are still not happy.   And it is Arsenal, the team that has run them the closest over the last couple of seasons who are, surprise surprise,  the ones in their sights.

The reality is we’ve had to spend an enormous amount of money just to get that close. Not as much as Man City initially spent to facilitate their rise to the top (ONE one BILLION net in the first 10 years of the takeover ON PLAYERS) but a lot nonetheless. And to do that we have taken low or interest-free loans from our owners. And guess what, Man City don’t like it.

Even though we will ultimately have to service that loan, (as opposed to the limitless sponsorship deals that support Man City’s spending), they still want to limit what we can borrow or how we can borrow it. Basically, anyone who doesn’t want to be financed by an Oil State will be stymied in their efforts to chase Man City down.

Look, I admit I don’t know the ins and out of everything that’s going on, but to me it’s as clear as night and day that Man City want to be allowed to completely monopolise the Premier League if they are not doing so already. They think they should be allowed to accept any sponsorship deal, no matter its provenance, whenever they want, however much it is. Whilst at the same time restricting others’ abilities to subsidise their income with loans..

No, they probably don’t want to bankrupt anyone. Without opponents, they have nothing. Without a tournament, they have nothing. This is obvious. But threats are how bullies work. They rely on their threat to get their way. Okay, if they have to take someone, or something down they will, and Khaldoon al-Mubarak has said they will do exactly that if necessary.

Apparently we should be happy just to get close.

2 Replies to “Is Man City’s aim complete domination of the Premier League, or are we all just being hysterical?”

  1. They also appear to be prepared to sue anybody who they see as an obstacle to their ambition, on the basis that they have enough wealth to pursue cases indefinitely, regardless of cost and however long it may take.

  2. Like it or not, professional football is a business, & that’s how dominant companies operate….to maintain or increase their market share.

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