Untold Referees


How referees are not quite as independent as we would like them to be.


Untold Referees is part of “Untold Arsenal” – an ever growing collection of articles and comment on numerous aspects of football from a pro-Arsenal perspective.  A list of other sections within Untold Arsenal is given at the end of this page, and on the home page of the site.

Background: Initially Untold Arsenal started to publish referee reviews of Arsenal matches, and through this we found some evidence of what appeared to be consistent bias by referees against Arsenal.  The point was then made we would get a better overall picture of what is going on if we also analysed errors made by referees in non-Arsenal EPL games as well.

This site records our findings.  A summary of our position from the point of view of evidence is given here.

Untold Referees is written by a team who draw together their reports on how referees have performed in various matches, based on TV reporting of games.  We use the TV since it allows us to check and re-check decisions – but we are at the mercy of the TV stations which don’t always show each and every decision.  If you would like to contribute to the work of the panel please do get in touch with us via WalterBroeckx@hotmail.com

Past reports from Untold Referees are given below (these are roughly in date order starting with the latest) and after that the index to all the sites within the Untold series.

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Match Review: Mike Dean – Arsenal Vs Wigan Athletic ( – ) [14/05/2013]


Is it right to have referees doing two Premier League games over a weekend?

Match Review: Anthony Taylor – Sunderland v Arsenal (0 – 1) [09/02/2013]

Tottenham v Arsenal: what can we expect from the ref?

Gambling, ref fixing, money laundering… all part of English football’s rich pagent

The politics of refereeing; it is not just what you know, it is who you kno

Sunderland – Arsenal: What can we expect from the ref?

Ref Review: Kevin Friend – Arsenal Vs Liverpool (2 – 2) [30/01/2013]

Arsenal 5 West Ham 1 – the ref review

Match Review: Mike Dean – Arsenal Vs Manchester City (0 – 2) [13/01/2013]

On malevolent Dean Untold Arsenal leads the way, while rest of media scamper behind


Southampton v Arsenal – two ditches and a wall

How the refs are doing their job part 1

How Refs are doing their job (part 2)


Match Review: Mike Dean – Manchester City Vs Arsenal (1 – 1) [23/09/2012]

Ref Review: Stoke v Arsenal (Lee Mason)

Do refs get told – don’t do Man U again?

To find out how well refs did in 2011/12 we analysed their every move.  Now we start the reports:

EPL REFEREE REVIEW 2012- An historic study on the refs in the EPL

1. Introduction to a historic study

2. How it all started…

3. ….To the current reviews

4. Who let the Dog out?

5. What can we show you?

6. The first numbers: How many games and how competent are the refs

7. Is there any Bias?

8. Regional view: The North West

9. Regional view: The North East

10. Regional view: The Midlands

11. Regional view: Others

12 Regional view: London



What went on during the season:

Ref Review: Liverpool 4 Chelsea 1 – the ref done good

What is it like being a Fifa Ref?  The inside story.

The reviews are collected here with the last review published shown first.

Untold Ref Review: Sunderland 0 Man U 1

Untold Ref Review: Chelsea 0 Newcastle 2

The single rule change that would change all football at a stroke

Untold Ref Review Swansea 1 Man C 0

Has nothing changed in 40 years of refereeing?

Ref Review: Newcastle 2 Wolverhampton 2

Untold Ref Review: WBA 2 Arsenal 3



Penalties: Comparing Manchester U and Arsenal

Untold Ref Reviews

Swansea 0 Newcastle 2

Norwich 1 Man City 6 – a pattern emerges?

Arsenal v Chelsea Dean does great!  Yes!  Honest!

The 57 minute game: Arsenal v Wigan

Arsenal v Chelsea Ref Review: Dean does great!  Yes!  Honest!

Untold Ref Review: Arsenal v Wigan

The referee is a cartoon villain (and yes it is a record – same ref for six games in one season)

A quick look back: Ref review for Wolverhampton v Arsenal

Another look back: Our last Chelsea review (v Wigan)

Untold PGMOL –

1:  How the shadowy PGMOL not only runs the premier leagues refs, but also influences what appears in the media.

2:  How PGMOL controls what is said on TV through “Dermot”

3: The Refs on the Media – How the rules are changed to fit the story

PGMOL looks after Premier League refs.  But are they serious?


Latest Untold Ref Reviews… (more reviews will appear shortly)

Chelsea 2 Wigan 1

Norwich City 2 Man U 1

Man U 2 QPR 0

Sunderland 0 Tottenham 0

The referee series: what is wrong with the Premier League System

Referee bias: A review of the last five seasons

The stats that the Ref’s Association quote are simply totally wrong

Giving each ref each team just twice a season would solve the crisis

Mike Riley and the garden of secrecy

How many wrong calls do refs make per game – and in favour of whom?

Ref Watch: Arsenal v Wolves

Arsenal v Man City

Untold Ref Review: Arsenal 1 Man C 0


It is Atkinson.  Find out what that means in today’s Ref Watch

Arsenal versus City: The Untold Preview


Arsène unedited:  on the subject of refs, plus trafficking of child footballers

Ref Reviews: Man City 2 Bolton 0   Wolverhampton 0 Man U 5

Match officials: Attacks upon linesmen and the professionalisation of refs

Match fixing: Media rush to deny match fixing takes place

Ref Reviews: Tottenham 1 Man U 3 and Chelsea 3 Man U 3

QPR v Arsenal

Ref Review: QPR v Arsenal – the ref review

Ref Watch: The issue of confidence and for the fifth time it is Mike Dean


Ref Reviews: Arsenal v Aston Villa.  Phil Dowd gives a master class;  Liverpool v Everton – he’s ok here too.

RefWatch: Arsenal v Villa starring Phil Dowd as panto villain

Untold Referees

Our last match – how the referee did.   Everton 0 Arsenal 1

Wrong calls by the refs.  We compare Arsenal,  Chelsea, Liverpool, Man C, Man U, Tottenham

Recent Ref Reviews: Man City 3 Blackburn 0;   Chelsea 3 Bolton 0;   Tottenham 1 WBA 0

The ref’s decision not to give a foul was so ludicrous that even the Newcastle players stopped the game.   Arsenal v Newcastle – the ref review

Untold Ref Review: Man U 2 WBA 0

Celebrating a new milestone in our referee reviews

Referees latest…

Celebrating a new milestone in our referee reviews

The ref’s decision not to give a foul was so ludicrous that even the Newcastle players stopped the game.   Arsenal v Newcastle – the ref review

Milan v Arsenal: ref bent or ref incompetent?

Tottenham 5 Newcastle 0 – ref shows complete ignorance of the rules

Heading for third, but refs are still a danger

Villa 0 Man City 1 – what a decent ref looks like

Arsenal v Milan – just how biased can one referee be?

A bad day on the pitch – why referees make mistakes

The best football fairy tale ever – an analysis of the referees by the referees



We predicted that the ref would make “mistakes” and he certainly did.  To see how just how he fared, take a look at the Arsenal/Tottenham ref review.

Match preview: Arsenal versus Tottenham

Arsenal v M Dean.  Tottenham will also appear

Referees – is there something to hide?

Why we really do have to blame the refs

Referees mistakes all even out in the end don’t they?   Well actually, no they don’t

Our latest Untold Ref Review is… Manchester City 3 Fulham 0

Norwich 0 Chelsea 0

Everton v Manchester City – PMGOL showing their colours

Sunderland 1 Arsenal 2

Manchester City 3 Tottenham 2

Untold Ref Review: Norwich – Chelsea, from zero to zero

Untold Ref Review: Bolton – Liverpool

 Bolton 3 Liverpool 1

Untold Ref Review: Arsenal – Blackburn, high scores all around

Untold Ref Review: Manchester City – Tottenham, the spider web

 Arsenal 7 Blackburn 1

The one and only Refwatch: Arsenal – Blackburn


Ref Review : Bolton – Arsenal

Swansea v Arsenal: the statistical and referee preview

Ref Review: Chelsea 1 Aston Villa 3


Suspicious ref decisions: when errors don’t balance out and become bias.  Part 2 of our new enquiry

Fifa says Premier League is not exempt from corruption, and appoints ex-Interpol man to investigate

Many refs make one wrong call every 10 minutes. Part 1 of our new enquiry.

Latest Ref Reviews:    Sunderland 1 Man City 0        Fulham 0 Man U 5

London people are unfit to referee according to the referees’ association

Corruption in the Premier League: Poor-Bert – the next head of PGMO

Incompetent or bent?  Certainly one or the other.   Fulham v Arsenal – the ref review

Ref Watch – Fulham v Arsenal

Watch out for the lightening in Manchester when Dowd is around

Referees: the geographical bias

1: The Ref’s Association has closed its web site

2: London people are unfit to referee according to the referees’ association

3: What did Mr Wenger mean when he said “We know what to expect in London”?


Corruption in the Premier League: Poor-Bert – the next head of PGMO

Incompetent or bent?  Certainly one or the other.   Fulham v Arsenal – the ref review

Ref Watch – Fulham v Arsenal

Referees update – are they listening to Untold at last?  Surely not!

Referees close their official web site, but make a step in the direction we’ve been asking for

MU 4 Wolves 1

Man City/Arsenal – and guess what Dowd scored?

REFS: How Arsenal are coping better with refs this season.  Arsenal 1 Everton 0 ref review.


Man U v Sunderland

The referees’ comparison table: which refs score it right and which ones get it wrong.

Arsenal 3 West Bromwich

REF PREVIEW v WBA: We’ve had this ref twice and we’ve lost both times!!!!!!!!!

REF ANALYSIS: Is Dowd really the best ref in the Premier League?

REF REVIEW: Liverpool 1 Norwich 1

REFEREES: 30% of all important decisions are wrong.  But is it a first half/second half thing?

REF WATCH:Chelsea v Arsenal

REF REVIEW: Man U 2 Norwich 0

Mr Collina gets it wrong.  Refusing to help the refs will not help anyone.

Who has the correct figures?  Mr Elleray or Untold

Man City 2 Everton 0

The Untold Ref Review: Tottenham v Arsenal

Everton 0 Liverpool 2;

Stoke 1 Man U 1;

Chelsea 4 Swansea 1

Tottenham 4 Liverpool 0

The complete utter and disgraceful history of Mike Dean.    Ref watch for Tottenham v Arsenal

Liverpool 2 Wolverhampton 1

Arsenal 2 Olympiacos 1

Fulham 2 Man C 2.

Which ref makes the most wrong calls?

Untold Ref Review – Arsenal 3 Bolton 0

Man United 3 – Chelsea 1

Fulham – Blackburn 1-1

Bolton 0 – Man United 5

Sunderland 1 – Chelsea 2

Stoke 1 Liverpool 0

Dortmund – Arsenal 1-1

The Ref League Table

Who gets the benefit of the wrong calls?

Man City 3 Wigan 0

Double punishment in football – is football just?

Arsenal v Swansea

Chelsea v Norwich

Liverpool v Bolton

Tottenham v Manchester City

Arsenal versus Manchester United

The Untold Weekly Ref Review

Revealed: “The Busacca Moment” when referees move to fix the match

The Untold Ref Review: Udinese/ Arsenal (other Untold ref reviews listed below – just scroll down)

Untold Ref Review: Bolton v Man City

The Untold Ref Review: Arsenal – Liverpool

The Untold Ref review – Man U / Tottenham

Untold weekly ref review – week 1

The view behind the Ref Review series

Untold Ref Review: Man City – Swansea

Untold Ref Review: Arsenal – Udinese

Untold Ref Review: Liverpool-Sunderland

Untold Ref Review: Stoke – Chelsea

The Untold Ref Review: didn’t he do badly?

New Fufa head of the refs – what will change?

Latest: Do all refs respond to swear words in the same way?

Match Fixing: Latest on the arrests in Turkey and Greece

The Italian scandal keeps coming back

A call to arms; let us sort out this refereeing issue once and for all

The big European study of refs reveals something rather sinister

Refs and scandals: the problem spreads across the world

Ipswich/Arsenal – the ref’s review

Ref Watch: Birmingham v Arsenal

There is something seriously wrong with refereeing in the EPL: Part 1 of our investigation

Referees: conspiracy theory or practice – Part 2 of the special investigation.

Just how bad does a ref have to be before he gets called “bent”

There’s something rotten at the heart of refereeing

Is the EPL fixed?  Taking the arguments forward.

There is something seriously wrong with refereeing in the EPL: Part 1 of our investigation

Referees: conspiracy theory or practice – Part 2 of the special investigation.

Just how bad does a ref have to be before he gets called “bent”

There’s something rotten at the heart of refereeing


Untold Arsenal – the (fairly) complete index

(please note we’re still working on getting these indexes into shape – the Media index is just about done as is the page on Corruption, but others are still awaiting a make over)


Write for Untold Arsenal

We really do welcome writers who have a positive view of the Wenger revolution, or who have something new to say about any of the topics that we regularly cover – all listed above.  Just email your idea to Tony.Attwood@aisa.org or send in the whole article as a Word file attached to an email.

Making the Arsenal

Full details of the novel which tells the story of Arsenal’s collapse and birth as a new club in 1910.  Details here. A new book on Woolwich Arsenal FC is in preparation.

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