Official complaint towards Mr. Wenger, Mr. Gazidis and the board

By Walter Broeckx

Dear Arsène, Dear Ivan and Dear Board members,

I hope you don’t mind that we call you by your first name (this is of course for you Mr. Wenger and Mr. Gazidis). But as we have been very supportive for you all these years you will probably forgive us for taken that liberty.

However I must say I feel very much in a complaining mood for the moment. Let me explain my current mood.

As you know or don’t know but from now on you will know Untold Arsenal is mostly the work of Tony Attwood and myself. And we are assisted by a few other people who think like we do about Arsenal, Arsène and Ivan and the board. These people send in articles on a regular basic and we are grateful for that. But this is all very much a hobby for us.

I write articles between coming home and preparing supper, in the afternoon before I go to do some running or biking after coming home from work. Or write things in the evening when the rest of the family has gone to bed already. A hobby that has gone out of control at times. But we like it (well I do) and we enjoy it (well I do).

But now I must say you have done things that are a bit too much to bear for me as a hobby blog writer.

In all those years we supported you, the years with no money you know we never had much problems. But now…what the hell are you smoking in the Arsenal house?

This is all getting too much for now. We had already a first signing with Sanchez. A top player that came rather early in the transfer window. This brings a lot of extra work for us as we have to check things to write articles about him as we don’t want to seem completely out of touch.

We then had to write articles about Debuchy a week later and I must say two signings with only one week in between is already stretching us.

But now…. come on guys…two signings in hardly 36 hours!!! How do you think we can keep up with that? We are not professionals. Like I said it is a hobby.

And our readers ask (as indeed they are entitled to ask) that we bring them top quality each day. You don’t get that number 1 spot that is somewhere on the left hand side of this site, without putting a lot of work in.

But how can we keep up with that tempo now? We simply can’t.

So I must complain about this by you. Oh I don’t mind the signings at all. Let there be no doubt about that. But timing Arsène. Timing Ivan.

Despite what some people suggest from time to time: we do have a life outside Arsenal and our blog. And yet you seem to make it happen that whenever I have to go somewhere with Mrs B.,  you announce the signing of a new player. Leaving me no time and place to write an article about it.

So could you make a note to yourself that in the future you first ask us when the best time to announce the signing would be? So that we can prepare ourselves a bit better for welcoming the new players you buy.

I hardly dare to open my computer at the moment (not only because it gets overheated) but also because whenever I open it I see a new signing on We are not used to this you know. And it is summer time. The sun is out. The grass needs to be cut. The wife would like to go out from time to time.

So plenty of things to do. So please spread the load a bit so that we poor bloggers can keep up with you spending the money. I will keep it decent and not call it spending the f*cking money.

Thank you for taking this in to consideration for any new signing that you will announce in the next weeks, months, whatever.

Walter Broeckx

Overworked writer for Untold Arsenal, and Chairman of Arsenal Belgium.

The books
The complete Arsenal Anniversary series is to be found on the Arsenal History Society site.


40 Replies to “Official complaint towards Mr. Wenger, Mr. Gazidis and the board”

  1. Trouble is Walter, a little bird tells me that there is another big signing on the way.

    Of course it is not absolutely certain – these things never are.. but I don’t think they are done and dusted yet.

    I think there might be one more frantic phone call to come.

  2. Ha ha Walter.

    I love it.

    I notice you don’t write articles during your work time lunch break. What’s up with you?

    Now get back to the blog. You’re a very naughty boy!


  3. Note to Arsenal: I don’t have much time on Saturday as my parents in law are married for 60 years and the mayor is paying them a visit and I have to be there of course and that evening I also have a match. So no new announcing on Saturday if possible. ;)Thank you.

  4. And while we are at the complaining if possible could you change the kick off of the Arsenal match in the Emirates cup on Saturday to somewhere around 9.00-10.00 pm. I should be back home by then I think. If it’s not too much trouble of course. 😉

  5. Ah, congrats on your parents in law’s diamond wedding anniversary, Walter.

    Surely this fantastic milestone has something to do with “consistency”?

    (Parents, Arsenal, Arsène, Untold…)

  6. This email was cut as it came from a fake email address. Actually it was also very boring, but that’s by the way.

  7. Walter,

    Breeeathe in and out slowly, pausing get seen each inhalation and exhalation and making sure you completely exhale all of the air trapped in the bottom of your lungs. You will soon find yourself totally refreshed. At least that’s what my yoga teachers used to tell me when I got all stressed.

    Congratulations to your parents in law, love and best wishes to you, your wife and the rest of your family.

  8. Guys, I am very happy when Arsenal fans are happy! But just be sincere, Doesn’t Arsenal need a striker and a defensive midfielder? We should not go into the season with Diaby, he will kill us he is allergic to pressure in football. As for defenders, I think Arsene Wenger should not sell Vermaelen to give him one more moment! then the team will be stable

  9. Writing while at work, tisk, tisk walter

    Going to start calling you Walter White soon

  10. yes it’s right for us to complain because we’re not used to plenty signings. but we don’t mind if u keep giving us the same reason to complain…….vermalen stays!

  11. Congratulations Walter and specially to your parents in law. May the Good Lord bless them with many happy years ahead.

  12. Another area of complain, they have deprived us of the Arsenal mourners who now do not seem to have something to write about.

  13. Yeah, Walter. You are dead right! The more you write, the more I gotta spend time accessing internet to read all the articles. This is too much, I say! With the amount of excitement I had after Untold is effecting my concentrate at work and at home. I think I’m gonna dump my gal and retire at the end of the year. I can’t take this anymore!

  14. I’ve heard there is possible 2 more major signings but I suppose nothing is ever certain let’s hope we can get a top quality holding midfielder and then I feel we can compete for the title

  15. Quite right Walter, 2 signings in a week is far too much excitement for the AKBs to handle and as for the AAAAs – the despair must be intolerable!

  16. Honestly, I think Walter has a big point here! I the past, especially the last transfer window, we would at this time be hearing a lot of vituperation for Wenger for not signing. We would get so many rumors that do not happen in reality. I can remember the Mata and Higuain Saga. The attended over one thousand medicals and were seen in umpteen airports heading to the London Colney and they never arrived. We were used to all of these as Wenger was considered more interested in Arsenal’s bank balance than in on field performances. Then on the last day of transfer window last year, we were shocked by the signing of a certain Ozil. That sent a shock down our spines but we managed to absorb it. People said Wenger just spent 42m Pounds just to cover shame and placate the fans.
    Now, just like Walter has noted, without any warning, Sanchez was signed! We were trying to digest that when Debuchy was announced. While we were contemplating whether we were dreaming or in a real world, Ospina arrived and not quite 36 hours later, Chambers was signed. Now, Tony is saying that another big big signing might be in the offing. Knowing Tony to the extent I do, I am afraid he might have heard something a bit reliable.
    Just like Walter, my problem is not with the new signings, the problem is that Wenger and Gazidis should have warned us ahead of time. On highways, there are always signs like beware of slippery slope ahead or something. How could they do all these signings without warning us ahead of time? We were used to last minutes trolley dash is the time past, getting players that no one else wanted (really?). Now you are getting players that shun Liverpool for Arsenal – and you did not warn us ahead of time. Do you not realize that one of the causes of heart attack is excitement? This is just not fair and the concerned people should correct it!

  17. Mr Wenger, you’ve done a great job so far and congrats! But please don’t rely on Diaby to do the defensive midfielder job and undo the great work the club has already done this summer. To complete the job, we need a stronger DM to protect our defenders, and at least one out-and-out striker that will give us goals week-in, week-out! You may be weighing your options after one or two weeks to see if Diaby will last and let the transfer window shut! That’s when we will get into a big mess when Diaby goes back to the treatment room. He’s unable to control his frame, so he cannot last! Please get us a DM before the transfer window shuts — possibly Khedira or Bender!

  18. A cracking article.
    How dare they not inform UNTOLD, their frontline about all these signings. Unthinkable.

    Arsenal are now getting to where they want to be in the world. (Heard it on good rumour that Arsenal are building a club space ship, to travel to inter-galactic games when the first aliens arrive. And Arsenal Galactic TV will have all the rights to stream to Earth.).

    Maybe at the end of the coming season, there will be no more AAA as there wont be anything to complain about.

  19. Walter

    Just get on with it. Here in Canada I need information and Tony’s financial analysis.

    Stop thinking about yourself as you have a duty to your readers.

    Don’t always agree with all the comments but I always enjoy them

    Best to You
    Mike C

  20. Congrats to your in law’s hope you all have a wonderful day and thanks for all the great views. I love this site as for me there is only one Arsenal site and you are it. Keep them coming Walter and you also Arsene.

  21. …I am with you ( as usual) on this Walter. it has now become “one week, one signing”. I think it getting too much. Getting used to it will take a while.

  22. I agree that the transfers appear to have been concluded quicker this summer but I dont see how we are much better off than last season.DEBUCHY – replaces Sagna. An upgrade? I don’t see much difference tbhCHAMBERS – a back up for Debuchy. an improvement on Jenkinson? ProbablyOSPINA – a replacement for Fabianski. An improvement? Probably but then again Fabianski did win us the FA Cup last seasonSANCHEZ – I am still not sure where he will be played. Yes he appears to be quite good but unless he is able to provide proper competition for Giroud then he is just another player we have got in an attacking midfield role. If he can be that out and out striker that we need then it is a good buybut we still need a proper CB (hoping that Chambers can be converted is a bit worrying) and a proper DM.if we address those 2 positions we might be able to challenge, but there is no chance if we don’t

  23. Is this a record for Belgium?

    Racing Genk have sacked their coach, Emilio Ferrerra, after just one match of the new Belgian season, a 3-1 defeat to KV Mechelen. “While everyone was hoping for a fresh start, the first game against KV Mechelen was surprisingly bad,” sniffed a club suit.

  24. I looked at the title of the article and thought, what’s this? Very funny Walter!

  25. Congratulations for the anniversary Walter, that in itself is a terrific achievement. But that does not entitle you to give us a few extra heart beats. What, “complaint towards Mr. Wenger, Mr. Gazidis and the board”? For a few paragraphs I thought you switched to the dark side, and was prepared to write a vitriolic comment to remind you where you stand. Nah, couldn’t have happened. Keep entertaining us Walter! And btw, what did this great club come to, after so many years of last-minute signings it fell into the despicable business of signing players one after another? I’m stunned and can’t find my words. Now, who do we sign next? 😀

  26. Congrats to your parent-in-laws and thanks Walter for complaining. I append my signature and also like to whin thus:

    Sanchez is shite.
    Yes, if he is any good, barca won’t let him go.
    He has no Epl experience.
    The best Epl managers (you know who) rejected him.
    If AW cant sign 11 players to replace those released, he should be sacked.
    In fact, Wenger out now!

  27. Walter,
    While I agree with you, and opine that a signing exactly every two weeks is better (with regularity being a good thing, as with say a gastro-intestinal system), you must admit that this summer’s transfer window will most definitely cause less heart attacks than last summer’s transfer window.

  28. Great stuff Walter! Congratulations to your in laws.

    Under Arséne, Arsenal have NEVER employed a defensive midfielder. What we have had is a positionally disciplined box-to-box midfielder who can tackle. A purely defensive midfielder would slow the tempo of our play.

  29. Walter, if I were you I would be DESPERATE for a new signing come Saturday!

    [anything to get an excuse to avoid in-laws’ event]


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