The Untold Referee review: Arsenal – Crystal Palace

By Walter Broeckx

Match: Arsenal – Crystal Palace

Ref: Jonathon Moss

Date 16/08/2014

Arsenal crystal palace referee review


So the PL is underway again and so are our referee reviews. Only of Arsenal matches this season.

Another interesting fact is that the predictions in our referee review were again rather spot on.

After a promising start ref Moss is now in the period of his referee career where a penalty in favour of Arsenal is no longer an option. He should have given 2 and maybe another one but as the replay was not conclusive I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Another thing we noticed about this ref in the past is his failure to give second yellow cards. How on earth Chamakh didn’t get two yellow cards is beyond me. He made almost half of the fouls on his own but escaped a yellow card for a very long time.

But as we have also said about this ref is that he usually knows a dangerous tackle and so the Puncheon foul at the end was very well spotted. Alas for him he missed an early similar foul from Chamakh. That should have been the first yellow and by missing that he gave a free card to Chamakh to kick anything that moved.

The final score of 86% however is not that bad at all. And the final score on the weighted decisions of 81% is also rather in line with what we have found of him in the past.  He is not a bad ref in general. The real important decisions are not that great. As were the bias numbers. He could have cost us points in this match but we overcame them.

The biggest flaw apart from the penalty decisions was him being useless in doing anything about the time wasting. After half an hour he warned the keeper who just carried on as he did before and he didn’t got a yellow card at the end. That could have been done better I think.

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56 Replies to “The Untold Referee review: Arsenal – Crystal Palace”

  1. Thanks Walter. We weren’t imagining things after all. This confirms that we were not just whining for the sake of it when we were saying we could have had at least two penalties, and Chamakh should have walked. While the ref didn’t have an absolute stinker, he got some key decisions wrong, and that could easily have cost us.

    What about his spraying of that magic foam into Carzola’s face, doesn’t that cost him a point or two from his overall score 🙂 Ok, it was his first offence so we will let him off 🙂

  2. Good review Walter. I fully agree with your comments and especially regarding the not given penalties, unpunished fouling and time wasting.

    Overall a poor performance by Moss that could have cost us points.

  3. Very good job! Ref review is so professional as always. I’m a fan of Your work and appreciate this.

  4. Yaay. Ref Reviews are back!

    Thank you Walter. By the way, the foul on Ramsey in the box, the commentator hinted that maybe it should have been an indirect free kick instead of a penalty since it was obstruction. Is that correct according to the rules? And also, could that apply to this incident?

  5. Moss also got in the way of Arsenal players a couple of times. Nothing too terrible from the referee, and I suppose not every penalty gets given across the league. Moss, so far at least, hasn’t struck me as a biased referee. He’s not awesome, but then he is PGMO(L) trained and recruited, so what chance is there of that? 🙂

  6. 72 Minutes: Hangeland on Giroud-Penalty

    Surprise surprise SKY don’t agree with you.

    Neville: “Pathetic attempt by Giroud to win a penalty”

    Come on Walter don’t you know a ‘fair’ foul when you see one 🙂

  7. Thanks Walter. And thanks to the preview team as well.
    Always interesting to compare the preview with the review.

    Anyone who doesn’t find the accuracy over the past seasons of these previews to be interesting should think again.

  8. Shard, I’m no expert on the rules and I haven’t seen a replay but from behind the goal it looked like a straight up two handed shove to the floor on Ramsey.

  9. finsbury

    It looked that way to me too. Just wondering about the obstruction call. We almost never see it called. Don’t think I’ve seen one for years.

  10. About the not given penalty for the foul on Ramsey: An obstruction is when you put or move your body in the way of an opponent and block his run. In this instance it was the Palace player sticking out his arms and pushing/shoving against Ramey who ran past him. So it was a push/shove and not obstruction.

    By the way standing still as a defender and then when a striker runs on to you is not an obstruction. But in that case the defender can make no move whatsoever to ‘earn’ that right to stop a player.

  11. Jambug,
    the interesting part of that foul on Giroud is that I think I read somewhere that the PGMOL would take that as an action point for this season. The defender only having eye for the striker and holding him or drag him to the floor without looking to the ball or going for the ball.
    I thought this was a clear example of a defender dragging down a striker with having no attempt to play the ball..

  12. Thanks.

    There have been obstruction calls, but unfortunately none that I can recall!It was disingenious for the commentator to describe a farly obvious foul in the area and hence a penalty as a relatively minor offence (to be ignored).

  13. And I will try to work on the layout a bit as it seems a bit too tight at the moment (well it is at my screen) but we still had a little bit of trouble to upload images a bit

  14. Walter

    You made the perhaps understandable mistake of assuming that these directives apply us.

    If only you had read the small print:

    Section2, clause 2b, sub clause XXXCCIIII:

    The application of said rule should be adhered to, and applied, in all cases without bias or favour, except, where intentionally, or unintentionally, with, or without malice of forethought, the decision should, in actual fact, or by interpretation, be of benefit to any team referred to, or titled as, Arsenal FC.

  15. I love the previews and reviews, very spot on as ever. Amazing work guys. If I was a betting man this site would be a holy grail, I’m sure there are a few that probably do.

  16. Rosicky was penalised by Dowd for an almost identical foul on Giroud yesterday; the main differences being that in Rosicky’s case the Newcastle player sought, and made, minimal contact with Rosicky, and Rosicky did not use his hands. Now that tackle by Hangeland yesterday would have made any rugby fullback green with envy.

  17. @ Jambug

    I do not know if it was the same part of the game you were watching – but i saw Giroud literally get put in a bear-hug / head lock, with his arm held up behind him

    If the defender (i think hangaland) was a police officer it would have construed police brutality !!!

    Surely defending is described as stopping the ball come to the opposition – not stopping the opposition getting to the ball using questionable means ???

    I think that arsenal should use its own cameras, or demand the raw footage used to film the games, as the cameras always seem to ‘pan away’ from our players being assaulted in the box

    Arsenal should then make this footage available, highlighting such instances (or just provide the raw footage and other angles etc for us to go through) – thereby applying pressure on the refs and the media, and putting out a neutral perspective of the match

  18. @ben
    I agree with you about the footage. I really enjoy watching the highlights on arsenal tv but I’ve always wondered why they don’t show various incidents of foul play against us. Being in control of the footage would be amazing but I think it might have something to do with the tv rights deal that may complicate things. Can anyone shed any light on this please?

  19. Gfromgirton
    With my limited knowledge about these things I will hazard a guess and say yes it’s to do with TV rights. doesn’t own the rights to that footage, and the rights will belong to whoever would have bought the match rights together with the PL. So you are bound to see the same angles that would have been made available during the live match on TV.

  20. The only way fighting for a good cause will work is by being vociferous about it.
    … And part of this is to go and show the Referee Review on all other blogs.

  21. About that Hangeland wrestling move:
    The Pgmol Encourages Negativity In Soccer
    The Pgmol Enables Norwegian In Sumo (in this instance)

  22. OK – so, I take your point that the coverage is owned by the TV companies that pay the billions, fair enough (although the clubs could probably negotiate the ability to have the raw footage of all angles etc, as they already show the edited footage after ‘x’ time of the match being shown live)

    There must be a way that arsenal can highlight this issue – the problem is, its not even a secret.

    Commentators laugh about how, arsenal dont like to get roughed up (code word for the sh%t kicked out of them), and how “when we used to play against them, we just ‘got in their faces’ and wound them up (another code word for kicked the cr*p out of them)

    So its not a secret – the TV companies know, the referees know (as they seem to let anyone kick the b-jesus out of us), and after reading this blog for the best part of 2 years, it seems not only do we know, but Arsenal as a FC know as well

    I remember last season (i think against stoke, or some other orcish cun*s) Giroud getting wrestled to the ground, and then stamped on…. he then got a yellow card !!!!

    If i was in Arsenals media dept, after i got this footage i would FB, twitter, youtube etc it – it was shown live, and therefore we must be able to show it on after ‘x’ amount of time

    In fact, i think should do a proper review of each of our games – like MOTD – just without the reprehensible bias, and the monotony and idocracy from Shearer
    They could then highlight everything that every arsenal fan already knows, and show the match from our perspective – and also gives our complaints some more legitimacy (therefore increasing the pressures on the powers that be).. hopefully, well thats the plan anyways …

  23. OK – so, I take your point that the coverage is owned by the TV companies that pay the billions, fair enough (although the clubs could probably negotiate the ability to have the raw footage of all angles etc, as they already show the edited footage after ‘x’ time of the match being shown live)

    There must be a way that arsenal can highlight this issue – the problem is, its not even a secret.

    Commentators laugh about how, arsenal dont like to get roughed up (code word for the sh%t kicked out of them), and how “when we used to play against them, we just ‘got in their faces’ and wound them up (another code word for kicked the cr*p out of them)

    So its not a secret – the TV companies know, the referees know (as they seem to let anyone kick the b-jesus out of us), and after reading this blog for the best part of 2 years, it seems not only do we know, but Arsenal as a FC know as well

    I remember last season (i think against stoke, or some other orcish cun*s) Giroud getting wrestled to the ground, and then stamped on…. he then got a yellow card !!!!

    If i was in Arsenals media dept, after i got this footage i would FB, twitter, youtube etc it – it was shown live, and therefore we must be able to show it on after ‘x’ amount of time

    In fact, i think should do a proper review of each of our games – like MOTD – just without the reprehensible bias, and the monotony and idocracy from Shearer
    They could then highlight everything that every arsenal fan already knows, and show the match from our perspective – and also gives our complaints some more legitimacy (therefore increasing the pressures on the powers that be).. hopefully, well thats the plan anyways …

  24. Re: The hacking of Wilshere. Arsenal and England’s No.10

    Many have commented on this phenomenon over the years now. Random people in the stadium and elsewhere will be in agreement, because that which they see before them it is fairly obvious and easy to call.
    How many hacks were against JW on this the opening day of the season? Most of Chamack’s ten fouls were against JW. Include those by others, those not called and you’re looking at more.

  25. The previous target for such treatment received an infamous ‘bruised none’, which at the time wasn’t even called a foul.

  26. No wonder there have been efforts by plundits to say such tripe as, and I quote:

    “He bruises easily”

    Who do they think they are kidding?

  27. Thanks for the excellent review. I was at the game and was totally surprised that many fans do not see the cheating that PGMO get away with. The only sung comment was ‘your too fat to referee’. Chamak could have had seven yellow cards. There were ‘Pulis’ dna in many of the fouling tactics and the time wasting. It is how many teams that cannot play against the passing football of Arsenal will behave. The officials being the worst of cause of injury to football players. Ramsey was hacked a few times. His fitness is limited by the number of these hacks he can sustain without muscular damage.

    Soon we will require American Football armour on our players legs to protect them from injury.

  28. Ben,
    You make valid points but I’m still not sure can do much about the footage they get. You know the copyright statement spells out terms like not to be reproduced, edited, blah blah blah. And I can assure you posting of such footage on FB, Vine or YouTube will be the fastest way to get slapped with a fine/lawsuit by the PL, it’s illegal to share such content.

    On another note not sure this has been mentioned before but that chest control by Alexis of a 40 yard cross from Carzola was an outrageous piece of skill. Brilliant.

  29. Surely clubs can make their own videos of the game…especially in their own stadia. Wouldn’t be too difficult to set up some cameras.

  30. Just want to thank Walter for this – just what we needed.

    Also want to thank Jambug for the rundown after a previous article on the time wasting in the first half and the disgraceful comments of Tyler and Neville. Thanks also to Mrs Jambug for letting him use the tv to do it.

  31. Thanks Walter, credit to the team for their patience and persistence in making sure the negative tactics of palace went completely unrewarded. The team were not at their best today…….but love it when teams come at us with such tactics and get nothing. Must be money to be made in betting on us not getting penalties

  32. @Shard,
    I think the commentator was making a point that it would have been a foul anywhere else on the field so since the referees won’t call it because it was in the penalty area (and for Arsenal) they should perhaps introduce some sort of indirect free kick for similar incidents where it is ‘just’ a foul and deemed not serious enough for a penalty.

  33. @
    August 18, 2014 at 1:43 am

    Surely a foul in the penalty area means a penalty. That is why the area is called ‘penalty area’.

    Perhaps the refs are too fowl (chicken) when the foul is against Arsenal to give the penalty to Arsenal for fear of a repremind from MR.

  34. finsbury, colario and mk

    I actually agree with mk that the commentator was being generally sympathetic to the fact that it was a foul. (I’m not sure, but I think it was Kevin Kilbane)

  35. We knew that Mertesacker would be back late; we knew Koscielny was going to have a short pre-season too (and I can’t imagine we were unaware of the injury he’s been carrying anyway); we knew we were going to sell Thomas Vermaelen but we also knew that even if we needed him we couldn’t use him because of the injury he picked up at the World Cup.There were question marks over all our central defenders for months, and although we bought Calum Chambers and I’m very glad that we did, it’s hard to understand why we haven’t focused a bit more on our defensive recruitment. I can’t imagine for one second that the manager is unaware of the deficiencies in that area but trying to work out why nobody has come in is the only something we can speculate on.Have we not found the right player? Have we identified the player we want but are struggling to do a deal? Is the player we want only going to sign when we’ve secured Champions League football? Your guess is as good as mine at this point, but with the problems we’re facing in this area, and the games we’ve got coming up in the next week-10 days, we may have to reassess the situation.

  36. @Pelail
    ‘it’s hard to understand why we haven’t focused a bit more on our defensive recruitment.’
    You, like me, have not got a clue how much ‘focus’ as you call it has or has not been applied to the defensive situation, so your veiled criticism of the supposed lack of activity in the this area of the team is entirely unjustified. Do you expect Wenger to issue a daily update on his progress or otherwise so as to keep you fully informed?

  37. @pelail
    why have you copied almost word to word a part of arseblog today . Are you the arse blogger? I guess not so surely if you copy word for word you must put some acknowledgement on your comments .
    @Walter great article as always , I shouted out cheat to the referee nearly the whole of the match from my seat, thought it was a disgraceful performance yet again.

  38. How is that veiled criticism? Yes it’s from arseblog well spotted. Find this one.
    We knew TV was going and we only have three defenders, two of which are accidents waiting to happen and you dare challenge me?

  39. @Pelail
    Alright it’s not veiled criticism then, it’s obvious criticism. The tone of the article is that the defensive issues (in the writers opinion) have not been addressed and it appears to the writer that there is a lack of focus by the club and/or Wenger in the resolution of the situation. In my book that is criticism.

  40. Dann right it’s criticism. Rightly so. How can you go into these matches without sufficient cover?

  41. Shard,

    I did not hear the commentary, but I don’t like to hear the phrase it would have been given outside the area. If you use two hands to push someone over you can’t complain. Maybe the referee wanted to “let things go”, but this will only lead to pantomime scums etc at free kicks such as with Palace’s last corner when there were so many fouls and pushes being made it’s impossible for the referee to see them all. If the ref wants to do his job they’ll make the call. If there instinct is to control the result the they might have second thoughts on such a relatively straightforward two handed push.

    One consideration is the referees fitness was so poor that he was in a hopeless position. If I was in charge of the referees and I had too few referees for my league (only 17?) and if only a few of the were fit enough to last ninety minutes then I think I’d be asking for video assistance give the technology that now exists. That would be if my mandate was to protect the game and the integrity of the officials…

    What is the mandate of the PGMOB?
    Why do they not support football officials in their jobs?

  42. Pelail,
    tell me how many central defenders have MU bought so far? And they lost Vidic-Ferdinand this summer.
    We could have bought Luiz for 50M of course…. 🙂

    Seriously now: there has been much movement in excellent defenders for the moment. And I can imagine a lot of central defenders not being keen to move to Arsenal because they know the partnership Per-Kos will be first choice of non of them is injured for now and the best don’t want to come to sit on the bench.

  43. …there were probably two other defenders who would have made the block on Ramsey’s early shot? An unnecessary decision by the defender. He panicked.
    For me, such a call cannot be compared to an accidental handball up near the shoulder, which is what I understood from these accounts of the plunditry. One is a decision or choice, the other is an accident. Apologies if I’ve got it wrong!

  44. On Tuesday Should we win, might this not convince Arsène that all is well and that we don’t in fact need another signing to contend? I’m not calling for us to lose, not by any stretch of the imagination, but perhaps something short of a convincing win might be suitable.

  45. A 1st class central defender who is prepared to sit on the bench and watch Kos and Mert strut their stuff is not easy to find. That is why Vermaelen sought pastures new isn’t it. Finding someone of the necessary quality prepared to act second fiddle is obviously difficult and Wenger is not the sort of manager to make do with second best whom he doesn’t think fits the bill. Anyway if there is someone suitable around I am sure he will be found and added to the squad. Maybe Pelail can offer a few suggestions.

  46. @Referees

    Walter, Andrew, OMGArsenal (others?), when you research referees at Wikipedia, do you ever look at the Talk page? Or old versions of the main page? Examine the edit history of the main page?

    I am going to keep track of home/away win/loss/draw for all the officials this year. There are some new people, so I am bouncing off the SELECT page at Wikipedia a lot.

    And I just happened to look at the Talk page for Anthony Taylor (the disaster from 1st game last season).
    > Referee Anthony Taylor refereed the FA County U18 National final between Durham and Bedfordshire in May 2006 at Darlington. He gave a highly disputed penalty against Durham after 9 minutes, sent two Durham players off at other stages in the game for mystifying circumstances and while Durham (with 9 men on the pitch) were miraculuosly leading 2-1 with 7 minutes to go, he gave a disputed drop-ball near the penalty spot, (contrary to the rules of the game) from which Bedfordshire promptly scored and went on to win 3-2. The man was roundly booed as he came off by virtually every person in the ground (from both sides) and despite an appeal nothing would ever be changed. It was interesting that not a single player was injured in the game despite the referees claim that at least one tackle was dangerous enough to award a red card. Also it was noticeable that the Bedfordshire players wer apologetic as they left the field. There was no animosity between the players. Is Mr. Taylor still refereeing games ?

    This comment has been sitting on the Talk page since 2009.

  47. Wenger won’t settle for second best? How do you explain squillaxhi, Santos, denilson… Please I am waiting to be enlightened.

  48. Thanks Walter.

    Pelail: If you want to be enlightened, go through the archives of this site.
    I know you won’t.

    You’re simply Rhys Jagger in disguise.
    Go through the archives of this site.
    I know you won’t.

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