By Tony Attwood
It is interesting that when the level of corruption within Fifa became clear at the highest all the English newspapers rush in to condemn the Association, all claiming to have been keeping a close eye on the situation. But the rest of time, when Fifa just becomes embroiled in normal run of the mill chaos, so everything goes quiet, no one says a word.
Fifa, by and large is off limits, because, as we all know, next time around at the European Championships or the World Cup, there will be no corruption over building stadia, no rioting, no racist chanting from the stands, and England will win the tournament thus confirming the good sense of the FA in ploughing millions of pounds of tax payers money into Fifa and Uefa year after year. There is no debate.
So we don’t get to hear about some of most of the antics of the international associations. Fortunately, this is not the case in Europe, as the horror show that is Fifa and Uefa is reported week by week in dismay and disgust, sometimes day by day. The fact that it is ignored in England is to the eternal shame of the perfidious broadcasting and news organisations that we have.
Consider the Swiss newspaper, Le Temps, for example with its article on the “Moment of truth for FIFA.”
The question it asks may not shake the Premier League, but it is one of importance. “Will the International Football Federation make a decision on Israeli clubs in the Occupied Territoris?”
And the report reads…
“After two years of work, a report is ready. But the issue has disappeared from the agenda of the next Congress .
“Can FIFA allow itself such a sleight of hand? The International Federation of Football (IFS) has been shaken by pressure from all sides, even from some Swiss parliamentarians. But to general amazement, Fifa decided not to include in the agenda the question which has become the most burning issue of her next Congress, to be held in Bahrain next week. This question has become a hot potato that nobody wants to touch.”
The issue has to do with the inextricable Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and for more than two years has occupied the time of an astounding number of sports officials, diplomats and politicians.
The problem is that among the clubs participating in the various Israeli football leagues, there are six playing in settlements in the West Bank. However, under international law, these settlements are illegal since they are located beyond the recognized borders of the country, in the middle of Palestinian territory.
This situation contravenes the very rules of FIFA. A few weeks ago, thirty-eight Swiss parliamentarians sent a letter to President Gianni Infantino. Members of the European Parliament had already joined the movement. By tolerating the participation of teams of the occupied territories, said the Swiss deputies, “FIFA violates its own statutes” and flouts “the values of sport” and international law.
“A month later, President Infantino sent them a convoluted answer. According to him, the question is “to find a viable solution on a football – not a political – level…”
A little over two years ago, the Crimean clubs were excluded from the Russian League, where they started playing after Russia annexed the Ukrainian peninsula. Fifa took action in the case of South Africa (in which FIFA complied with the decisions of the international community), and in northern Cyprus, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
At the University of Potsdam, the renowned lawyer Prof Andreas Zimmerman presented a 25-page study, based on international jurisdiction, which confirms without a doubt the fact that the Palestinian territories are occupied.
He overturns the argument for doing nothing – showing that by refusing to take action and by allowing Israel to continue violating international law, FIFA “would take a political decision”.
In reality however, FIFA itself is not far from this opinion. Two years ago, Fifa mandated Tokyo Sexwale, a former opponent of the South African apartheid regime, to resolve the issue at the head of an “Israel-Palestine watchdog committee”.
This committee recently delivered its report, of which the Swiss paper Le Temps obtained a copy. The South African proposes three possible outcomes, two of which, as it were, are not “political”: waiting, without action, for the possible resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or encouraging further discussions between Israelis and Palestinians, to obtain from them a (very improbable) agreement.
But these two solutions are at best”problematic” or at worst, “futile” according to the report. So the third option is to give Israel a “yellow card”, that is, grant it six months to regularize the situation of the six incriminated clubs, before considering possible sanctions.
In any case, notes Tokyo Sexwale, FIFA will have to be prepared to manage the “disputes” that will follow the decision, regardless of the option chosen.
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The amazing thing is that Israel is in Europe. They compete in the Eurovision Song contest & in the European Cup. So Palestine & its football teams are all part of European football. The world map has a geographical spring that bobs Israel into Europe when ever necessary.
Menace 08/05/2017 at 5:46 pm
I don’t know about the last few years but I do know that if you had an Israel stamp in your passport you would not be able to get into Muslim countries in the area.The Israel customs issued with a ‘paper visa’ which you surrendered when you exited Israel.
In this aspect Israel is isolated.
Israel is openly rejecting agreements it has made with regard to its borders by building on Palestinian lands.
Not just the communities it has built but also the wall where in many places it is inside Palestinian land is illegal.
This case is very sensitive as it’s affected the state of Israel. Therefore, it’s better to it handle with utmost care so as not to cause further political conflict than the one already on ground between the Palestinias and Israel. More especially the Hamas faction in the Gaza strip who recently made a pronouncements that they will not recognise the State of Israel and they’ll be recognising the present existing 1967 boundary land scape that existed before the 2nd Arabs Israelis war. A war the Israelis decisively won to regained some of their divinely given lands they won in battles with the original occupants of these land when Joshua under the commandment of Jehovah drove the occupants of the land away and shared it among the 12 tribes of Israel. So, this fight and argument between the Palestinians and the Israelites present date our time but began during Prophet Moses era who acted on the commandment of the most high God – Jehovah.
I think Hamas should renounce their violence totally against the State of Israel and embrace last peace to continue to leave in peace with Israel in the Gaza strip which Israel had mistakenly given to them. Her security reason, Israel will never withdraw back to the 1967 bothers between them and the Arabs and have pronounced East Jerusalem as their administrative headquarters to be. So, both Hamas in the Gaza strip and the Palestinians in the West bank should forget about getting back those lands Israel have seized and are occupying back. They can’t get these lands back because Israel will never give them to them. Therefore, the Israelis football club sides in these so-called occupied territories have the rights to be participating in any Fifa organized competition in which the nation of Israel is eligible to participate in it.
I noticed so many errors have appeared on my last comment posting after posting it. This was as a result of my using one newer version of Opera browser on my Android phone which I used in typing my comment. It’s kept switching off and will be typing for me words I didn’t type. My effort to Install the old Opera browser version on this my Tecno F7 has failed as Google kept bringing this newer Opera browser version for installing. And I used to have this old Opera browser version on this my F7 but I got it deleted when I did a back to factory setting. Anyway, I’ve deleted this malfunctioning newer version of Opera browser from my installed Applications. But I wonder why Google have allowed such a bad Opera browser to be on their google play store for installation.
Bloggs…….it is entirely possible for Israel to play other Middle-Eastern countries and Israel has always been willing to do so,but the other countries don’t want that to happen as it would legitimize Israel’ existence….something no Muslim nation wants to do.
Accusing someone of racism is inflammatory and treating them as idiots or pigs, insulting and uncalled for….I am surprised Tony didn’t bin you for those comments. I believe most UA bloggers acknowledge Israel’s right to exist but this is a Football blog,NOT a political one….so lets stick to friendly discourse OR leave,please!
Why is everyone so sensitive about israel?
Everyone with a little sense can see that they(israel with the help of other eu countries) has taken over a country, pushed the inhabitants further and further back until they hardly have any of the country left.
On top of that, no one speaks of or shows the true inhabitants of the country, neither israel or the arabs.
I spoke to many of them when i was there and heard stories(i had someone who was fluent in Hebrew to translate).
At the airport they looked in suspicion at the Egypt stamp in my passport and asked a lot of questions, before deciding i was not a “terrorist”.
Many do not know that Uganda(among other places) was meant to be the “new israel” before they decided on Canaan(Palestine).
Anti-semite is a joke. They are not Semites and never will be, so how can one be anti-semite when denouncing israel for all the terrible things they have done and continue doing?
Pure media brainwashing.
But we are somewhat used to that in football too.
A rather provocative article which received a not unexpected (if limited) response.
This is not going to be reported on by UK mainstream media because of the apparent disinterest of the football following general public (and closer to home UA commenters).
You have that about right.
I too have friends who are Jews and pro Palestinian.
The other (unmentioned) problem is that the few Palestinian teams are not allowed to travel into other areas for matches. Just think on that.
Just imagine if all the London teams in the EPL and EFL, were not allowed to leave the capital. What a farce that would be.
BTW, I disagree with anybody suggesting that Israel has a “rightful” place on this earth ahead of anybody else. Palestinians (who BTW, are both Muslim and Christian) have rights too – it’s just that Balfour and the UN decided to hand those rights to the invading Israeli government. Those rights have been systematically abused. Even Palestinian kids are not safe – yet the west, and especially the UK, stands by and does nothing.
Unfortunately, this “heads in the sand” attitude by governments, means that FIFA can act as they are, because there is no-one to seriously critisize them.
The Tories have pledged to “rip up” our Human Rights declaration.
That, is a powerfully, frightening thought!
I haven’t seen the comments that you refer to, as they appear to have been removed.
Your own comments are quite unjust, because this is 2017 – and unfortunately, this is a political issue that involves football.
So to comment on one, without the other, would be dishonest, IMHO!
When it comes to life there is no legal or illegal. The term is for those that want to control whatever can never be theirs. What they cannot control they call illegal. When one man kills another it is illegal but when one army kills another it is legal. War never has legality neither does the UN. It is an organisation created to control what is not ‘theirs’.
When it comes to football, there are only the Laws that govern the Game. FIFA is another ‘legal entity’ that can never own football but tries. There are the money men who own most of the infrastructure that accommodates, reports & uses (abuses) the game for monetary gain. Until the term ‘club’ begins to mean a whole group of members (including a majority of fans & supporters) the Game will be corrupt.
Omg was referring to Bloggs who had his comment removed for (probably) being offensive to Menace. Shame really because he had some valid points, if put a little too unpleasantly.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Israel has an army, Palestine does not. Yet the killing of Palestinians by Israel is deemed legal, but the killing of an Israeli by a Palestinian is terrorism.
The balance is fucked my friend!
@norman, you’re from a country which probably has an army which is allowed/licensed to kill when certain conditions are met and authority given eg in defense against terrorism. Same as israel. Killing isnt the problem, the problem is wether you are authorized by recognized authorities to do so
Israel is guilty of human rights violations. They should be banned and barred from the global sporting community like Apartheid South Africa was.
This should be an open and shut case but everybody takes everything said out against that place as anti-semitism.
If every country that was guilty of human rights violations were banned there would be no football in the Middle East or most of Africa and Asia. Turkey and Russia would be gone and the USA as well as much of South America would’ be in trouble too. In fact there would be few countries that I could name that are not guilty of human rights violations.
How about we just let the UN do their thing and keep politics and sectarianism out of sport.
Equalizer, the point of the piece, although not all the subsequent comments, was not whether Israel breeches human rights conventions, but rather that Fifa is not following through its own rules. Once an organisation does that, it becomes disreputable because there is no foundation for its activities.
Firstly Shame on your ignorance, stick to what you know football as you seem to be lacking in basic understanding of history, politics and international laws when it comes to the Israel-Arab conflict.
The West Bank is not occupied territory but disputed territory according to international law.
The whole premise using the Geneva convention is wrong. The Geneva convention as dictated in the Hague Convention 40 years earlier refers to High-Contracting Parties (countries), when speaking of occupation. Palestine was not a country as it has never been one, and the Palestinian were not a people at the time either.
UN res 181 is not legally binding as its a GA resolution. Anyone who claims the 1967 ¨border¨ which is the 1949 armistice line (read the armistice agreement, very clear this is not a legal border between nations.) is a legal border is lying.
So the 1949 UN res which was turned down by the Arab nations is not legally binding as it was a GA res and one side said no (read the UN website who confirm that General Assembly resolution are not legally binding but opinion.
The 1967 line is an armistice line where Jordan and Israel signed an ceasefire agreement (Jordan illegally occupied Judea and Samaria whose name was changed to the West Bank while under Jordanian Occupation.) Notice the word Jew hidden in there. So there is no legal border either according to the UNs own documentation.
The history of the land is clearly documented in international law but sadly ignored. The Ottoman Empire controlled the land until it fell. Just a few words merat and miri. Do they mean anything to you? Maybe land categories during Mandate times? Most land was not privately owned. Even up till 1948. Point is maybe learn before speaking about something you seen to know nothing about.
The word Palestinian was used almost exclusively when speaking of Jews or Jewish orgs pre-1948.
The PLO was only created in 1964 and it clearly gives up any right to the land while calling for the destruction of Israel, read it yourself. Only after 1967 did that change. Oh and Arafat created the PLO, HE WAS BORN IN CAIRO EGYPT.
The Mandate is clear about encouraging Jewish settlement on Public lands (at the time most land).
Some of the so called ¨Settlements” existed for hundreds of years until they were ethnically cleansed by the local Arab population in the 1940s after decades of massacres against INDIGENOUS JEWRY in places like GAZA CITY and HEBRON. Jews lived in Gaza and the ¨West Bank for thousands of years CONTINOUSLY until ethnically cleansed by the local arab population last century. Jerusalem has been majority Jewish for 150 years and was mostly desolate and rundown beforehand. It only consisted of the Old City back than.
The comparison to apartheid S Africa is shameful and disrespects the real apartheids in the world.
Israel has Arab/Muslims/Christians/Druze/Beduin….. in all parts of society. Maybe listen to an Ari Lesser rap which will clear up the facts for you. Over 20% of Israeli are not-Jewish mostly Muslim Arabs. Using the word colonies is another libel. Jews are an easy target though you can see that with attacks weekly in most Western countries including institutions. Oh and according to the EU definition of antisemitism the article you quote is antisemitic.
I worked the same jobs as my Palestinian Arab friends in Jerusalem, Israel for the same pay. Another Israel-Arab made more than the Israeli Jews working there. Point is what you are told is non-sense and with all that has happened with Arsenal is is so hard to believe the same sources you attack are lying about other things? Palestinian in Ramallah living in Mansions owned large parts of Jerusalem.
Lets see the Palestinian Delegate to FIFA – Must be a nice guy no? Maybe read the report EVIL
on the website above you can find hundreds if not thousands of examples of incitement to violence, support for terrorism and such from throughout Palestinian society from schools-mosques, songs-FOOTBALL TEAMS (USUALLY NAMED AFTER TERRORISTS LIKE MOST THINGS IN PALESTINIAN SOCIETY) Leaders-news etc.
Abbas their leader denies the Holocaust and was involved in the Munich Olympics massacre, he continuously goes on TV and calls for terrorism against Jews. His family (he admits in an interview) carried out massacred against Jews in N.Israel Tzfat in the mid 1800ś. Not nice people you can make peace with. Hamas are worse openly calling for the global genocide of JEWS in their charter. According to nearly every poll ever done the Palestinian population support the destruction of Israel. Some want two states on the way others are not interested but it always a majority. At the beginning of the stabbing intifiada 72% OF PALESTINIAN ADULT SUPPORTED STABBING ISRAELI CIVILIANS. Would you make peace with them?
updates of this FIFA story for a number of years. somewhat explained
Northwestern University Professor of Law, Eugene Kontorovich – up and coming lawyer
a 1,100 page thesis researched over 20 years at the University of Geneva’s political science department and international law school, a Canadian international human rights lawyer, Jacques Paul Gauthier, concluded that Israel has a legal right to occupy territories under its control since 1967
Eugene Rostow,
Justice Stone,
and many other famous names connected to this subject including those involved in drafting the documents in question. They support my claims.
With Iran Saudi on womens right councils, Cuba, China, Syria on the Human Rights Council, HALF OF THE WORLD NATIONS RUN BY REAL FASCISTS and Israel is the target.
You cant make the UN up its so ridiculous and mostly controlled by 3rd world non-democratic nations. Good that you side with them after all your preaching.
Maybe listen to the translator at the HRC who was questioning why everything is always about Israel when there are so many issues in the world?
What about Ban Ki Moon who admitted the Un is bias against Israel?
What about the new UN head who said the same.
Why is Israel in European football not Asian? Why are the Arab/Muslim nations racist against Israel and are allowed to flourish. Why are Israeli or those who visited Israel banned from a dozen or so nations at some point dozens. Trump is evil but these nation such as Iran (who openly denies Holocaust and calls for the destruction of Israel), Saudi, Cuba, China, Russia are great right.
Fact is, Israel is a liberal democracy which equality to all citizens. The Supreme Court is openly very left politically, there is freedom of speech, religion both more than most western countries today. Woman and Gay rights…..
The Palestinians 95% are ruled by the Palestinian Authority mostly since 1990s Oslo. They oppress their own children. Maybe focus on that.
The UNWRA is complicit in this turning Palestinian children into child Jihadis. List shows all you need to know about the Palestinian education system funded and supported by the West.
As shown above the 1948 (could have been border) and 1967 armistice lines have no legal basis as clearly written in UN documentation.
Just the talk of ¨Israels right to exist¨ is racist against Jews. Do you question any other nations?
52 nations in San Remo + US signed the Mandate. All UN Members signed the UN Charter. So the Mandate is still legally binding and includes all the land for Jewish settlement.
As an Atheist Jew who is not a citizen of Israel it was forbidden for one to build on land they legally owned over the green line/1940s armistice line/ NOT A LEGAL BORDER (There has not been no documented owner on the plot in question for 100s years, basically never) because their mother is Jewish. If this is not the definition of discrimination against Jews not sure what is.
This was a policy instituted by the Israel government under Netanyahu after pressure and threats from the Obama administration and a number of European nations.
The EU has ILLEGALLY built 1000 building in Area C of the WB under for Israeli control as per international agreements which the EU is party-too. When questioned they never denied the charges just that as diplomats they could do whatever the F they wanted. That sums it up. The EU is actively and with knowledge funding organization which openly support terror against Israel, BDS (against WTO), and lies. sets it out for you nicely
So to sum it up you mostly seem to be supporting Palestinian football teams named after terrorists who play in stadiums named after terrorists, led by their representative to FIFA who is part of the Palestinian government which supports killing homosexuals, anyone selling land to Jews (ILLEGAL TO SELL LAND TO JEWS IN PALESTINIAN LAW PUNISHABLE BY DEATH), oppressing and brainwashing their own people. The FIFA rep has openly praised terrorism against Israeli civilians and is very clear that he supports the destruction of Israel.
You support a people who own charter admits they created their nation to destroy another, whose own leaders are terrorists who openly call to kill Jews and have been involved in terror attacks, who own population support killing Jewish civilians according to their own polls and all others, whose education system encourages martyrdom by killing Jews, whose child songs are about killing Jews, whose Imams call to kill Jews, whose leaders call to kill Jews. Palestinian terrorists get paid by the PLO more money if they killed more people. READ THE PLO PHASED PLAN 1970s THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN OPEN ABOUT THEIR INTENTION.
But Israel is the problem. Maybe after another few hundred terrorist attacks throughout Europe you may wake up from your delusions and realize there is no difference between Fatah-Hamas-ISIS-Al Qaida-BokoHaram…… or you can just listen to what they say and do.
A lot of info mixed up a bit if you are actually interested in this subject I can answer any question you have. If you are not maybe you should stay away from it in the future. There are enough people spreading lies about Israel which lead to death dont need any more. And your beloved media is the main culprit some watchdog examples.
It is interesting that you said “stick to what you know football”. That’s what the article was about – the sudden decision by Fifa to remove an issue from its agenda. I wouldn’t normally publish a long polemic on another topic in answer to a football point but it must have taken you a long time to write it.
I think you should allow FIFA fight its own battles, since obviously you’re not an authority on this matter
Sb in that case, why are you bothering to read this site. We talk about Fifa a lot, and were the first people to point out the change in the Swiss law that would allow the arrest of Fifa officials at the next big get together – which happened. Best go somewhere else.
I’m not so sure you were the first to report anything. Either way, you’re not an authority on this matter, and it remains my candid opinion that you should stick to what you know, or maybe in your write up use statements like “in my opinion”, “I think” etc
Sb, I’m not sure you’re right.