After several days in the pub Dial Square Dave emerges; Blatter immediately resigns

Saturday, (cup bleedin’ final day) 30 May 2015

Bloody hell, it’s Tuesday and I’m just in from the boozer. I have to say that was annoying. I don’t think that Monsignor Venga bloke has any idea about the history of this great football club.

We’ve now won the FA cup two seasons in a row and no one (but NO ONE) does that. Then he only goes and wins it for a 12th time, which is a record. Now I’m not churlish but that’s getting smug and, frankly, complacent.‘Cos now he has set us up to fail next time out when we don’t win three in a row. Typical bloody Venga if you ask me.

Also he don’t understand the tradition of Arsenal making it difficult. Where’s the joy in winning a final 4-0? At least last year he had the decency to let Hull go 2 up so we had to be ‘lucky Arsenal’ at the end of it. Hardly bloody ‘lucky’ today were we? I mean I remembers 1979 when we got were playing the Manchester mob (the red ones, the blue ones hadn’t been invented yet) and we goes 2-0 up fairly smartish.

Brian Talbot (who had a crap car named after him) (and played for Ipswich the year before) (and scored the winner for West Ham the next year…or maybe he didn’t…I’ve had quite few Carlings…) scored the first then Frankie Frankie Frankie Staplegun made it 2 nil just before HT.

And that was that. Game over.

But no, not with Arsenal, Not propa Arsenal. We had to go and let Gordon the moron get one back and then shrimpy Macilroy to bloody equalise. All so Alan Sunderland could bust his arse to win the big old cup we’d managed to lose the year before.

Now my friends THAT is propa Arsenal not this rubbish of lardee-dah-lets score-four-without-seeming-to-try-very-hard. I mean they didn’t even have a shot at us!

What’s worse is that this means the French geezer is going to stick around for another year when we could be getting us a propa manager if we’d lost. He did this last year. Just as it looked as if he was toast we go and win the flipping FA cup and get stuck with le prof for another 12 months.

Still I expect you guys are with me on this one. Give him till Christmas and if he’s not won the premiership by then ee’s out. Sack the smug Frenchie and get that Sherwood in. I mean did you see St Tim at Web ber ley? He is a propa bloke, propa management material. He knows how to man manage and how to set up a team. Venga has no idea. We only won that game because Venga was forced to play Lewis Hamilton from the start (lucky there was no Grand Prix on eh?) and Ospina got locked in the lavs before the game.

And it aint very patriotic eeva what with Villa being his Royal Highness’s team – bet Venga loved that. Almost as a good as executing the poor balding basta*d. Still, after your comments last time I don’t know why I waste me breath of some of you lot. You’d back Venga if he stole your Mercedes and ran off with your missus – in fact you’ld probably make him a bleedin banner you soft losers!

Anyway, I goes in the pub, and by the time I comes out Blatter has resigned and the FA is wetting themselves trying to get hold of international power.  That’s a larf.  I must go into the pub more often.

Dial Square Dave, keeping it real since 1972.

  • 2 June 1991:  Gus Caesar moved to Cambridge United on a free transfer but did not play for the club.  He soon moved on to Bristol City, but it was not until he reached Airdrieonians and then Colchester Utd that he showed the form that George Graham suspected he could maintain.

22 Replies to “After several days in the pub Dial Square Dave emerges; Blatter immediately resigns”

  1. Executing the poor balding bastard? I believe we have decency on this website. Those are not the kind of words to describe a Royal Highness guest of honour at the Cup final.

  2. SamAA this is English humour. It is not indecent just humour.

    Who would make a good FIFA president? My ideal candidate is not available as he is contracted to Arsenal for 2 years.

    However, David Dein would probably be a good candidate?

  3. Blatter should resign completely. He wants to be in around to influence both the election of the new president, and the the ‘reorganisation’. Too little, too late…he has to go completely…now.

  4. MR S. Blatter has not done himself any good by still hanging on to the apparatus of FIFA Presidency. His resignation should have been with immediately effect. Are there no credible officials remaining at the Fifa executive portfolios he can hand over to? MR Blatter has undone himself by standing for re-election again after been re-elected many times with the electoral rules to limit the tenure of the office of the President of Fifa thrown to the thrash, so that he can be re-elected this time again. Save the Uefa, the heads of the remaining Fifa confederations are as corrupt as Fifa heads themselves. Hence there unwavering support for MR Blatter during the last Fifa congress, one would have perceived. I read on that, the so called emergency Fifa congress to elect the next Fifa President is being scheduled for December, 2015 – March, 2016. That’s some 10 months for MR. Blatter to continue hanging on to Fifa and keeps on manipulating Fifa to cover up his quilts and those of his Lieutenants in arm. MR. Blatter should effect his resignation with immediate effect and hand over to any most Fifa senior executive at the Fifa headquarters who should convene the emergency Fifa congress with the minimum delays to elect the next Fifa President. MR. Blatter has lost the moral credibility to continue to as the Fifa President even for 1 more day.

  5. MR S. Blatter has not done himself any good by still hanging on to the apparatus of FIFA Presidency. His resignation should have been with immediately effect. Are there no credible officials remaining at the Fifa executive offices he can hand over to? MR Blatter has undone himself by standing for re-election again after been re-elected many times with the electoral rules to limit the tenure of the office of the President of Fifa to a term thrown to the thrash, so that he can be re-elected this time again. Save the Uefa, the heads of the remaining Fifa confederations are as corrupt as Fifa heads themselves. Hence there unwavering support for MR. Blatter during the last Fifa congress, one would have perceived. I read on that, the so called emergency Fifa congress to elect the next Fifa President is being scheduled for between December, 2015 – March, 2016. That’s some 10 months for MR. Blatter to continue hanging on to Fifa and keeps on manipulating Fifa to cover up his quilts and those of his Lieutenants in arm. MR. Blatter should effect his resignation with immediate effect and hand over to any most Fifa senior executive at the Fifa headquarters who should convene the emergency Fifa congress with the minimum delays to elect the next Fifa President. MR. Blatter has lost the moral credibility to continue as the Fifa President even for 1 more day.

  6. wow, Dave provoked SamuelAkinsolaAdebosin into his shortest comment ever! Is there no end to the geezer’s talents!

  7. septic bladder has resigned

    now there’s a surprise

    wonder what those FIBs said

    or is it just to crank up the world’s biggest shredding machine?

  8. Who’d have thought that the 2nd June 2015 would be a historical day. The day of the first step to allow the possibility that FIFA could actually start to become a respectable organisation.
    Although there’s still the major probability that they’ll screw it up. Lets see the next meeting where Pol Pot reappears and gets voted in by Asia and Africa because he promised them a bigger share of the FIFA pot!!!!!!

  9. @soglorious,
    No, you’re not dreaming matey. At last there is a chance of bringing integrity into world football.

  10. All very strange – 4 days after being re-elected.

    Did Septic strike up a final deal to try to save his reputation? Or was the posse just getting too close?

  11. off topic i know…..but what a performance from zalelem! he really looks like a house hold name in the making. i hope he can push for the first team this next couple years. he reminds me of a young cesc in that he always seems to have so much time on the ball and when he doesnt hes very smart about how he uses his body and technique to shield the ball and retain possession. he also seems to have a great inherent knowledge of when to release the pass and how much weight to put on it.

  12. historic days indeed.
    First Arsenal make it 12 wins in the FA cup and the most succesful club in FA cup history
    Second Blatters resigns from FIFA

    What comes next? Arsenal to buy another player from Real Madrid ….?

  13. Ay ‘Arry. What happened to Dial Square Dave? The next round’s arrived. Wasn it on ‘im? Oy, let Venga pay.

  14. John L.

    I had put up a link (probably to NBC Sprots) about Zelalem. I suspect that some of what we are seeing in him, is inspiration from having Cazorla and Ozil at Arsenal.

    To me, a dumb thing in the news is that Liverpool would like to trade Sterling for Gibbs, Walcott, Ozil, Cazorla, Ramsay, Wilshere, Sanchez, Welbeck, Coquelin, Bellerin, Koscielny and the grounds keeper. Or something to that effect. Sterling isn’t even worth a bowl of Nicky’s Mom’s butterbeans, let alone multiple players.

    (I wonder what Nicky thought of the recipes I dug up for Clinical Stews?)

  15. First chance to say well done on winning the The FA cup.

    Cant say I celebrated nor would I had Villa won or even been allowed to turn up but that said anyone that underestimates winning a trophy then coming back to retain it is nothing more than living in a jealous petty world

  16. Oy Gord!!! don’t under rate that soup! it’s worth more than Sterling considering where he’s at. As long as any player is at Liverpool – it lowers their value because of Henry & Rogers.

  17. Gord – that was a great link to Deutsche Welle( It has an excellent write up on English media perception/bias of Özil.

    It’s good to see that German media have picked up on the rubbish that is portrayed in England about football. Looking forward to the time when they report on the bias of officials in the EPL. At least they might have a bit more honesty.

  18. you Tony…. You forced a resignation there.

    But will resignation end all this shit. I think not.

  19. Arsenal 13, You are probably correct that FIFA will continue to running around like a headless chicken whilst lining certain peoples pockets but it’s not a forgone conclusion.
    Traditionally Africa and Asia have too many guys that want to be the ‘Big Man’ (I’m not saying anywhere else doesn’t have this as well but I think it’s a little less elsewhere), so we could have 7 African guys and 7 Asian guys (plus 3 Europeans, 5 Sth/Central Americans and 2 Middle eastern candidates) standing for the top job.
    This would cause so much confusion/division that these areas may decide on a ‘middle ground’ candidate from a different region.
    The only thing we can hope for is that they pick an honest man that wants his name to go down in history as the guy that cleaned up FIFA, rather than a guy that just wants to get rich from the job.
    Lets hope!

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