Arsenal v Chelsea, groundhog day, oddball referees, injuries and Mr Africa to buy AFC.

The reality is the papers are just expecting another Chelsea win and they still can’t bring themselves to investigate the refereeing history in the match, because the collective newspapery wisdom is you don’t do that.

It leaves Mr Wenger in the pre-match press conferences saying in desperation to yet another inept question, “What is amazing is that has nothing to do with our game tomorrow. I personally am just focused on doing my job well and respecting everybody else.

“We have to be completely cold-blooded, just focus on the game and not respond.  We have talked about discipline because in the last two games against Chelsea, we couldn’t play 11 against 11. Discipline and results are strongly linked.”

And so they go on asking the same old same old questions without ever really touching on the issue behind it all.  What the fuck have the referees been doing?

Meanwhile the press are suggesting that Aliko Dangote, said to be Africa’s richest man, is lining up a offer to buy Arsenal, although not necessarily this week. “The issue is that we have more challenging headwinds. I need to get those out the way first and start having tailwinds. Then I’ll focus on this.’ Dangote told Bloomberg – who failed to provide a translation.

More including the teams, in a short while.

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13 Replies to “Arsenal v Chelsea, groundhog day, oddball referees, injuries and Mr Africa to buy AFC.”

  1. This story about the alleged billionaire Aliko Mangote becoming de facto owner of Arsenal plc is nothing more than rumour. Unlike the Kroenke takeover when shareholders succumbed to his offers, the position now is that unless or until the Yank decides to relinquish control, nothing changes.
    Nothing short of nationalising Arsenal FC (perish the thought) can alter the status quo.

  2. i hope this game signals the onset of tailwinds for us against chelsea, what are tailwinds btw?

  3. @fabrechenko

    Not sure if it stems from saling or flying, but I’ve always heard it associated with planes

    Tailwind is a wins blowing into your plane’s tail….you fly easier/faster
    Headwind is a wind blowing from upfront, and it will slow you down – or help you take-off or land.

    Correct me if I am wrong

  4. @chris, i guess they are contextual terms related one way or the other to economics, my opinion tho generated from your opinion.

  5. If we get even handed refereeing today, think we have a very good chance of a result as the team build momentum.
    If we don’t get even handed refereeing, hope the crowd put pressure on the ref as they did with Mr Atkinson in the last home game against Leicester.
    As Wenger says,,they cannot,get involved, Coq and Xhaka might have to be careful… early booking for Coq should he start will not be ideal.
    Chelsea are still settling under a new manager, the boys really can win this.

  6. What Dangote is saying is, when he finished building his Lagos petroleum refinery he will then have the financial capacity to fulfill his ambition of buying Arsenal FC by “making an irresistible offer to the 2 major owners of, Stan Kroenke and Alisher Usmanov which they won’t resist”. But Dangote is talking of 3-4 years time before he can start to put his plans to buy Arsenal into action and that is quite some years to come. So we wait to see if it will happen.

  7. Dangote will make Arsenal the strongest team in non-league. And the most boring.

    I think he should go find another play toy.

    I wish the medja would go find a brain cell or three.


  8. Untold Banner is the only one with Wenger’s portrait.
    He was smiling at our players & fans, & laughing at Chelsea.. What a match.

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