Sincere apologies. The article put up this morning related to Arsenal V Leicester whereas of course this weekend it is Leicester v Arsenal – making total nonsense of the piece.
The fact that it was the first total and utter mess up since we started Untold 15 years ago and the first in almost 13,000 articles is a bit of a compensation, but even so, it was a silly error, caused by us all rushing off to Cambridge for the day.
We’ll try and get the proper article up here as soon as we can
If it is any compensation, I am far more embarrassed than you are probably annoyed.
Tony Attwood
Leicester are at home.
So that’s good news for us with Arsenal being the away team. Saved you an unnecessary journey to London tomorrow.
Another change of address I see Self Righteous, my goodness you do get about. And still reading Untold when you so obviously hate what we say – that’s weird.
Anyway, yes we cocked up – the first cock up of this magnitude in all our time of running Untold. But we have got it sorted now I think.
And thanks for getting in touch. It must be painful reading something you hate so much, but good of you to keep on keeping on.
Thanks Raheem. Of course this balls up would happen on the day when we all went off to Cambridge and so no one manned the site to pick up the stupid mistake. But a new article is up now correcting it (I hope).
Tony, like many others I use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for security when online. It’s completely legal and changes my ISP each time I log onto it and takes me all over the world sometimes (although as you can see my email address remains the same), which comes in very handy when I’m streaming content that I shouldn’t be, and I was only pulling your leg over the mistake, surely even you can see that.
A ,1 in 13,000 chance of making an honest mistake , which has been apologised for and rectified . There’s a principle in there that if only the FA, PGMO, Uefa and FIFA could understand and apply .wouldn’t be a bad idea .
Anyway Tony keep up the good work , it’s appreciated .
Don’t worry Tony I am sure Self Righteous never made a mistake