Did you have a problem with Arsenal’s 4-Game Early Bird Pass?




4-Game Pass Problems

By Tony Attwood

We have been hearing that some people had a problem with viewing the Manchester United game, having purchased a 4-Game Pass from Arsenal, which should have allowed them to see the match.   I haven’t so far been collecting details, but I have seen a number of people writing in and saying that they have been having a problem.

Arsenal FC are saying that only one person had a problem and everyone else could see the match if they had purchased a 4-Game pass.   And to be completely fair to Arsenal I would add that I had no difficulty viewing the games so far having purchased my pass just as the first game was starting.

But I did have a bit of a problem at the start.  It didn’t affect my watching the game but it suggests something might be wrong and I would like to help our reader toget to the bottom of this.   So if you had difficulty watching the Manchester United game having bought a 4-Game Pass could you let us know.

You can do this by writing into site below in the normal way, or if you want to keep your information secret, you can write to me at tony@schools.co.uk and put 4 Game Pass in the subject line.    I won’t use your information in any way other than to total up the numbers, and when that is done, let our reader know the number of emails we have had.   All the email addresses will be deleted and no names or email addresses will be given to Arsenal.  I will then tell our reader and our reader can then take the matter up with Arsenal.

So if you did have any problem logging in with a pass, please do say.

6 Replies to “Did you have a problem with Arsenal’s 4-Game Early Bird Pass?”

  1. No problems at all, same last season. Just wish I had thought about kick off times before buying 4 game pass!

  2. I had a problem. Could not get on straight away at kick off, then the stream stopped for aabout 10 minutes after half time and after the final kick off. Did get to penalty shoot out.

  3. Apart from a short interruption for some 2-3 minutes in the second half no problems

  4. Hi,
    I had a problem, bought the pre season pass. Wanted to watch on my Ipad but could remember password, tried to reset and that was a hassle but when I finally loggen in I could not view, the only thing that came up was buy the match and I thought fuck it but that too didnt work, after trying for 40 min I ended up buying the game on a Norwegian newspape site 27 min into the game. Very annoying

  5. It was not possible to watch the match via the Arsenal app on my iPad. I got a message that I had to buy a package to watch the match. I had bought the pre-season pass as soon as they were available and I could watch the match via http://www.arsenal.com but not via the app. I was logged in with the same membership number both in the app and on arsenal.com.

    I sent an email to the support address I was given when I bought the pre season pass but got only a standard reply back they did not address the problem with watching via the app at all.

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