Helping or destroying players, the choice is yours

By Walter Broeckx

In the past 5 years that I have been a regular writer for Untold I think I have written a lot of articles in which I called for support for our players.

I could and still can get extremely angry when I read the attacks on our own players from our own supporters. Many have called me deluded at times (not regular readers of course), blind, as someone who couldn’t see the truth. I have been an Aaron Ramsey defender when he got the most vile and disgusting abuse I have ever seen on any Arsenal player on the internet. The period when he was “wasted on the wing” as one could call it.

The period that Wenger was abused by the same lot of fans for playing him there and for even daring to give him a new contract at the time. Well we all know how that turned out. One of the best masterpieces of the master.

In the facebook group of our supporters club we also have the moaning part present.  Every dropped point is the end of the world, let alone a defeat as that can be compared to the end of the complete solar system. But just as on Untold, I do the same thing for Arsenal Belgium, with the help of a few others of our board members.  People who have been supporting Arsenal for many years and who have supported the team in the barren years. But as one can expect, I with a few others am defending our club, team, manager and players with passion.

Now I don’t mind criticism. When a player makes a mistake I can see it. But that is not a reason to start abusing that player.

After the Dortmund defeat I didn’t join the little band wagon gang that was forming itself calling all and everyone terrible and useless. Defeats can cause over reaction. I can understand that but one has to think further than the last minute. So once again I, with a few of my friends, was out there defending the players and the manager (or perhaps I should say, no abusing them). It is amazing how quickly people can come up with insults when they talk about Wenger.

As we defended Wenger and told people that name calling of Wenger was not the act of a supporter, we were even called the “guardian angels of Wenger”. Or the bodyguards of Wenger, as they called us. Come to think of it… I rather like that.

I have always said that abusing our own players is not done. It does nothing but harm.  If a player has a bad game I will let it go and hope that he will come good next game. Or the one after. Or the one after that. But others go in to abusing from  the first misplaced pass or failed dribble. So when people abuse such a player I will stick up for him. I will defend him.

As a result I also might be called all kinds of names but that isn’t that important. I do what I think is the best for this player.  One of our more moaning supporters told me that he was astonished in the way I could defend players and manager even after a game like last Tuesday. He told me to get more critical about Arsenal and all things about Arsenal. In fact this was a very interesting remark.

First of all I don’t know why I should be more critical about Arsenal. I follow them for my enjoyment and they give me a lot of pleasure. And the odd moment of pain. So why should I become more critical? To make me feel even worse at times? I don’t see the point in doing that to be honest.

However I did respond to him and told him that I am an old fashioned person. One who believes in the meaning of words. Words like to “support” and “supporter”. And that I also am a person who never kicks someone who is already on the floor. Don’t you think that Özil knew all too well that he wasn’t performing as he could? Of course he does. He will be the first to know this.  So why should I then come on to the internet and in a virtual way start shouting at him, swear at him, abuse him, …. As Tony said in an article a few days ago: it doesn’t help the player.

So when Özil wasn’t doing so well I defended him. Give him time. Let him work on his game. And that is what Wenger did. As the whole pundit circle and the moaners were saying: “Put Özil on the bench for the Villa game.” Let him show he has to perform to earn his place.  But Wenger is Wenger and what did he do? Give in to the moaning brigade and the pundits? Of course not. He did what we all should do: stick by our player.  He gave Özil the confidence he needed and played. And boy did he returned? He sure did.

Today on there has been an article. An article in which Özil thanks the fans for their support. An article in which he states that it is important for players to feel the support from the fans. And so once again (sorry have to use that line) a player has come out saying that it does matter how we fans react to our players. If we support our players they will come back to a higher level sooner than later. We all have good and bad spells. The same goes for football players. And it really doesn’t matter if you are paid £150.000 a week or just £150 a week. If you don’t feel the support you need you will not perform as you can.

Özil has made this clear once again. When will some learn and finally do what they should do: support our players.  And from personal experience I can tell you that it gives you a very satisfying feeling when that player comes good. It feels as if you somehow have helped him on the right track. To Mesut Özil I can only say : no problem mate. Any time, I will be there for you when you need my support. Even when you have a bad game. Don’t worry, we will be behind you!

An index to stories related to today’s anniversaries, plus details of our most recent posts and our other publications can be found on the Untold Arsenal home page.

55 Replies to “Helping or destroying players, the choice is yours”

  1. Please believe that a poor performance does not make a poor player.

    And a poor team performance does not make a poor team.

    All true Arsenal fans believe that we have a truly wonderful team guided by a most talented and creative manager.

    Long may it remain so.

    Take no notice of the moaners, AND turn off the TV sound to enjoy.

  2. Arsenal fans got rid of many a player some like gevino for the way they looked all better off with real fans

  3. Spot on Walter, excellent.I feel a bit sad that you had to write that you were in a sense old fashioned.I realise in our increasingly shallow and lacking world that certain things seem old fashioned.I dont think you or those viewpoints are.They are standards of decency,wisdom and intelligence that have been made a mockery by the cynicism through the worship of mammon.Its as simple as that.Its everywhere and its going to have to change,how thats going to be taught I dont know, I only hope it comes peacefully.
    The challenges facing Arsène and the lads must be so difficult game in game out,if you think about it from their perspective they have to give so much more than just playing the game, they have to satisfy a demanding pubescent monster.
    I respect Wenger so much on so many fronts, but especially I really like the way he protects and nurtures the team so well.
    Im glad you wrote about Ramsey, its only five minutes ago that he was being verbally scapegoated for everything.Looking back you can see how utterly thick as shit people can be.
    Shame that you have to write such an article and spread the word of positive support,but Im glad you and Tony and the regular posters are here putting a stable viewpoint out.
    Thanks Walter,
    COYG! Aha and Amen!

  4. 100% agreed with you,I always said this,even asked some of our fans to quit supporting Arsenal than pretending to love Arsenal to an extent of bursting outrageously to players who they are down,this players are our own and need courage and support to feel they really belong to one big loving family. I think Arsenal have more fanatics than true sportsmanship. How will you feel if you gave everything for a club but when you get fatigue they turned against you and start calling you all sorts of name. Even Cesc needs to be respected when come to emirates in a blue shirts coz he is still our son and he never shy away from saying it. He said he is in Chelsea only for career reason but his soul and heart still with Arsenal. When you boo RVP he ensure he scored against Arsenal and mocked you,when you boo Nasri he ensure he punishes Arsenal by all means,when you welcome T.Henry he lacks even the energy to score against his former club. Let us learn to respect our players and former players to enable them remain loyal to Arsenal no matter where they go.

  5. Great article Walter; spot on with your thoughts! We all love Arsenal and they give us so many wonderful moments and memories. Yes they can be frustrating at times but that is what being a true fan is all about. The vile that comes from so called Arsenal fans directed at certain players, Arsene and the board make me sick. Long may Arsene manage our club. COYG.

  6. Walter – fantastic.

    I couldn’t agree more.

    I think the criticisers suffer from:

    1) Short-term time horizon: it is only the last match (or even last pass/shot/goal) that matters.
    2) Perfectionism.

    My coaching experience only extends to kids. But it is absolutely imperative when doing that that you (and the parents and other spectators) maintain a positive and supportive attitude at all times. A quiet word of constructive criticism maybe – but absolutely no screaming and shouting.

    Now I know children are not quite the same as highly paid professionals, but the basic principle still applies. (Most) people tend to perform better in a positive environment.

    Would be interested in the view of some of the professional psychologists amongst the Untold fraternity?

  7. Great piece Walter. I fail to understand supporters who bash their own players. I suspect a lot of it is down to lack of intelligence. I mean they read the sun, daily mail, telegraph or other such paper bashing Ozil, and without questioning it they just jump on the wagon. I did challenge, on another thread, anyone to come up with one stat showing Ozil to have had a poor world cup. Just one only, I know I could still be sitting here a year later and they’ll NOT be able to provide it. All the stats that I saw showed Ozil to be up there with the best. Not even one area where he was at the bottom of anything. But you still hear people saying he was rubbish, because that’s what they read in the papers. This season he’d only played 4 league games before the masterpiece at the weekend, and unlike other Arsenal players he and (the other German players) never had a pre season to help them get to full fitness. He was just thrown into the fray straight from his holidays, and people expect him to start firing on all cylinders?
    It’s plain simple for anyone who cares to do a bit thinking why he may have been below his expected levels in the first 3 or 4 games.

    Ramsey has not been at his levels we know he can deliver over the last two games(perhaps it’s to do with the injury on that plastic pitch) and I wouldn’t be surprised if these fickle fans turn on him. There’s no way we will ever have everyone firing on all cylinders all the time. Is it difficult to understand that.

  8. Kenneth – Almost unbelievably, I am starting to see Ramsey getting stick in certain corners. For example “one season wonder”.

  9. With you a hundred per cent on this, Walter.

    By the way, if anyone wants cheering up, read the Arsenal Family article on about Gibbs and his twin brother. What a nice article!

  10. Our wonderfull manager had this to say about Diaby who will be playing tomorrow night….

    “He is a giant, mentally, to do what he has done. With the severe injuries he has had, he comes back every time and is dedicated.
    “Diaby played 90 minutes at Villa Park for the under-21s last week. He was with us at Villa Park again on Saturday and he will play against Southampton on Tuesday.
    “I am a huge believer in his quality and I am sad that he couldn’t show it more. If there is some justice, the future will be much better for him.”

    When I read this sort of thing from Arsene it makes me feel so proud that we have him as manager of our club.
    All those ignorant cretins who insulted and lambasted the incredibly unlucky Diaby whilst he was fighting to regain his fitness and resurrect his footballing career should hang their heads in shame and take a lesson in loyalty and humanity from our great manager.
    I wish Diaby well and hope he plays a blinder against Southampton.

  11. Mick
    That’s quite moving, re Diaby. Top top player. If Viera was big for us, Diaby was going to be bigger in my opinion. He had everything and more. Such a shame his career was blighted with injury upon injury. And the worst part is that those injuries were inflicted by some hoodlums who wouldn’t even be good enough to lace Diaby’s boots. I truly hope he’s overcome his injuries, and will be for us what the Dutch skunk was in the last years beforehe eloped with old bacon face. Of course I don’t doubt Diaby’s loyalty.

  12. SUPPORT to WIN, CRITICS and ABUSE are to LOSE.. So i believe those who critics and abuse are TOTTENHAM’s fan.

  13. Agreed 100% Walter!!! How many of these moaners have been/are supported by parents even though they (moaners) are brats??!!!


    Take a look at this

    Read the last but one paragraph(there are only 5 short ones) and tell me if this makes any sense?

    The usual suspects here:
    “according to reports”
    “ claims”
    “It is believed”

    but the last one:
    “However, Express Sport understands …”

    You have to read this carefully, and still you won’t understand what is said.

    Well i didn’t.

  15. @AL
    September 23, 2014 at 12:48 am

    “hoodlums” much like THAT Milner who should have been off the field with RED; instead we have the problem AGAIN, with Debuchy out for 3 months!!!

    These butchers who get a footballers’ contract to break legs, should be extinguished from the game!!!

  16. Great piece Walter, its amazing how some players seem to be loved regardless of what they do while others are the victims of unjustified stick.

    by the way @apo Armani, I might have missed it but I thought Debuchey’s was a contactless injury – he just pulled up lame – I didn’t see Milner do anything wrong.

  17. One of the best statements of support I ever read. This is what makes the difference between a win and a loss, as that player that seemed on his way to perish turned to be the gem that everyone knew he can be, only for some to lose it. It takes a vision, faith, and determination to stay above the water like this, and not get carried away by the river of garbage we are being fed every day. We’re lucky to have this wonderful club, and the club deserves such great supporters.

  18. Such a great article. But we (and other teams to be fair) seem to have a sizeable amount of fans that still thinks booing, jeering, abusing our players and manager is acceptable. And the defense always seems to be ‘you just think Wenger is a god’ or ‘you’re deluded’ or ‘you support Arsene not Arsenal’.

    Those are very weak defenses to me considering the amount of players and managers that have come out over the years and said it doesn’t do any good. you have to assume the people doing it have empty lives and doing this makes them feel good about themselves.

    Look I get why the negative, blogs, podcasts, radio shows and papers do what they do to get hits, sales etc. but I’m just confused how wanting to support your players – even the weaker ones can be seen as a bad or deluded thing to do.

    And the abuse Wenger gets…I’m just stumped. Again constructive criticism is fine but all out abuse??? (witness the comments in the recent Telegraph story about Arsenal/Chelsea finances)

    Keep doing what you’re doing Walter.

  19. @Drew Gray
    September 23, 2014 at 8:29 am

    I assume you watched the game vs ManOil…and if so you would have seen that Milner on a couple of occasions took out Debuchy as if he was a paper doll; my thought is that the damage was done in one of those WRECLESS challenges and 1/ ‘butcher’ Milner should have been shown his marching orders 2/ Debuchy could have been playing on with a situation on his ankle already present and the stress of the bad fall on it sent him out for 3 months!

  20. Thank you for writing this. Do fans really think abusing a player will make him want to play for us and raise his game?

    I put fans into two cams.

    Those before Wenger
    Those after Wenger.

    I think those in the second camp are the main perpetrators of all the issues which is ironic as it is the man himself that made them want to follow The Arsenal.

  21. @Will

    Those ‘after Wenger’ have absolutely NO clew as to what UPS and DOWNS mean – what we as ‘before Wenger’ know ONLY TOO WELL!!

  22. @Mick,
    Your 11.47 was a masterpiece of common sense and a tribute to a loyal player who has suffered much for our Club, but has never given up.
    He is still short of the backing, to which he is surely entitled, from those who claim to support our Club.
    I only hope that all those who read and contribute to Untold will note and digest your wise words.

  23. This is true Apo.

    I remember going during the middle 70’s and we were dire and the middle 80’s.

  24. Good stuff as always Walter, the one thing i think i would add to this is the role of the media in all this, i noticed last year and this that on TV espeically, they would state that ‘sections’ of the Arsenal support, didn’t like Ramsey, making it appear that it was a groundswell of opinion against him at times. It also ignores the fact of where a lot of these misguided opinions come from, namely the media themselves ! How many times do you hear a commnet about Arsenal, andsay to yourself, ‘that simply isn’t true’
    Remember, they set the agenda, and the agenda needs crisis, panic & hullabolo to sell papers, so don’t beleive a word of it !

  25. Re: Diaby.

    It is amazing how Wenger shows loyalty to his players! In all top5 teams in every football playing nation, Diaby would have been traded off a long time ago – with ample justification and even understanding from the player himself. But not Arsenal, through the work Wenger does for it and the spirit with which he has been doing the work and which, by not sacking him or forcing the issue, the club must agree with.

    However, ot remains to be seen if players return the favor. A certain RvP didn’t. Will Diaby, if he goes on to have a fantastic season this season, and ManCity comes knocking?

    This can leave a fan truly conflicted: should clubs and fans be strictly transactional with its players? Ignoring player development/support or farming it out to smaller clubs – as Chelsea has found a way to do? Or should clubs and fans continue to be as supportive as Wenger is and Walter urges in this article?

    AAA or not, it is a fair question to ask – when you see players not delivering game-after-game or justifying their weekly paychecks (for whatever reason, inexperience and injuries) thereby costing the team valuable points.

  26. Walter

    Brilliant article.

    Like yourself I love Arsenal.

    The one thing I always understood was that it is easy to love when things are going well, but it is when things are not going so well that you find out how much you really love someone or something.

    When your son does well at something you pat him on the back

    When he has a set back you give him the biggest hug in the World.

    Well, that’s what my parents did with me, and that is what I grew up understanding love to mean.

    That doesn’t mean you are blind. That doesn’t mean you cant see fault. It doesn’t mean you are not disappointed, even angry.

    But it’s how you deal with, and express those feelings, that is the key.

    The AAA types and there attitude just leave me totally baffled.


    I did post this on an old thread but I think it is relevant to your 9.05PM post in which you suggest we should be more benevolent towards certain ex players such as Cesc, Nasri and RVP.

    As much as I admire you loyalty I feel with regard to RVP at least you are a little over generous.

    And to make my point:-


    a)Gives his all for Chelsea over many many years.

    b)Stays with them until the very twilight of his career.

    c)Doesn’t tell the Chelsea fans how the ‘little boy inside’ always dreamed of playing for Man City


    a)Sits on his arse for 50% of his footballing life whilst you and I keep paying him a fortune.

    b)Finally plays a full season and immediately, arguably at his peak, demands a move.

    c)Tells the loyal fans who have paid his wages for the last 6 years or so how he’d actually always dreamed of playing for Manchester United.

    Can you spot the difference there at all Mannix ?

  27. @Will
    September 23, 2014 at 9:41 am


    …and there is no excuse for not being informed in this day and age…all what the club has been through is VERY WELL documented and easily accessible – IF one is truly a SUPPORTER of the younger generation and wants know all there is to know rather then reading crap through the papers and various OTHER anti-Arsenal rubbish – that makes NOT for a SUPPORTER!

  28. @jambug
    September 23, 2014 at 10:06 am

    about RVP, I feel the same, and now can’t help bust smirk at his situation with his ‘dream club’ transfer sitting where they are – SECOND season on the trot and he almost done!

  29. Walter,
    Good work I understand that there are quite some irrational fans who abuse and criticize the club whether things are rightly done or not albeit there is also a need to constructively criticize both the team and manager when things go wrong.if we praise them wen things are great don’t know why we can’t question when we perceive they are wrong

  30. @will and apo
    i belong to after wenger camp, tbh i started watching arsenal since 2011. but thus far me and my friends (gunners ard my age) have always supported wenger. it doesnt matter which camp one belongs to, it’s just a matter one make a sensible judgement.

  31. Mick and Nicky

    I have just read the wonderful, but desperately sad biography, STUCK IN A MOMENT:THE BALLAD OF PAUL VAESSEN.

    For those that do not know, Paul Vaessen was a young Arsenal player that came through the youth system to score our historic winner in the Cup Winners Cup Semi Final 2nd leg against Juventus at the ‘Stadio Comunale’ on the 23rd of April 1980.

    Sadly, not long after this he suffered a terrible knee injury following a very poor tackle. (ring any bells).

    Tragically, this, as well as other flaws in Pauls personality, attributed to his dramatic spiral into drug addiction and crime.

    But back to my point.

    According to many, in a desperate effort to regain fitness, Paul put in hours and hours of extra rehabilitation work and training. Many a time he was seen running up and down the terraces of Highbury in a desperate attempt to regain full fitness. But it was tough and he just couldn’t get back to where he was.

    And guess what ?

    Our lovely fans where giving him pelters.

    On one particularly disgraceful occasion they where booing him and actually chanting for him to be taken off.(Eboue anyone?)

    Terry Neil recalls replacing him for his own good. He left the field in tears, a broken man.

    Sadly the book recalls other examples of similar abuse to our own.

    In almost every instance this kind of abuse had a significant, often tragic impact on the player in question.

    I find it disgraceful, embarrassing even, that people who purport to support Arsenal can do this to our own. These people should be ashamed.

    It seems history has taught us nothing.

  32. Brickfields, you could be right but I have notcied a larger portion of new fans are giving the manager and players stick. They started watching (I will not call them supporters as they don’t support) us when we had Vieira, Henry, Bergkamp et al and now th emoney teams are winning, want us to be back there.

    They have no sense of history or even the fact that we are doing it the right way and these money teams are cheating.

  33. @Jambug,
    Your sobering comment, unfortunately, only goes to emphasise the fickle nature of many Arsenal fans and it’s a shame that much of the worst examples emanate from the Emirates Stadium itself.
    WE must have the most hypercritical home crowd in the land.

  34. Jambug re Paul Vaessen ,somewhere in the cellar Ive got the handbook for the 80/81 season and a picture of Paul being hugged by Terry Neil after the final whistle in Torino,so sad.
    I can recall how silent the stadium became and Peter Jones talking about the Juve fans lighting fires on the terraces.What a night that was,the world was such a different place in those days.After the first leg I dont think anyone expected us to beat Juve.
    Im sure the AAA of the time loved the goal that put us into the final, and the rest youve already described.
    RIP Paul.If only he knew how many people liked and appreciated him –theres still a lot of support for him around the net.
    Off subject but does anyone remember John Kosmina?

  35. @jambug
    Thanks for the reference to the tragic Paul Vaessen story, I do not read many books nowadays but this one appears to be one which should not be missed.

  36. Kenneth

    So sad indeed.

    John Kosmina? The name rings a bell but why I do not know. I’m guessing another sad tail?


    You are right, it is not to be missed.

    As a human being AND as an Arsenal fan it does not make for comfortable reading.

  37. Jambug, no I just recall him being in the Football 1979 sticker album and as I thought back to roughly that era with PV I wondered what happened to him.I think he might have played only once for us.Probably got a slagging from the AAA! Oi Kosmina nooooooooooooooooo!!

  38. There are a lot of things to consider here… fans of the club are more impatient than they were say 7-8 years ago. After a series of poor performances by players that have been moved on because they were not good enough and indeed too many poor performances by the team in general in big games it is less surprising that poor performances are met with cynicism earlier than they should be.

    The other thing to consider is that the media is very powerful. They most certainly have an agenda against Arsenal and they will do all they can to destabilise a player. This is nothing new. Happened with Henry, happened with Bergkamp. People follow the media and regurgitate their views unfortunately. Take Ozil as a prime example. A world class player that the media simply don’t want Arsenal to have. The criticism is around the fact he looks like he is not working hard enough (when in fact he is), that he doesn’t track back and of course every time we concede a goal it seems like the pundits are looking to see if they can blame Ozil for not tracking back. Its like judging a Ferrari on its practicality for the weekly shopping run, but if you have an agenda, emphasising the downsides of a player is an obvious strategy.

    If Arsenal are doing well, the players will not be criticised by the fans – they will be less likely to listen to the Arsenal hating media. It really is as simple as that and nothing can be done to change that.

  39. @jayramfootball,
    Re your last para, I take your point but we must have the most nit picking home crowd of any team in the EPL.

  40. It all getting slightly melancholic and bordering on depressive .So cheer up , thing could always be worse .
    As in this tale , which I shall call , ” Regrets , I’ve had a few …..”

    A woman awakes during the night to find that her husband was not in their bed.
    She puts on her robe and goes down stairs to look for him. She finds him sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front him.
    He appears deep in thought, just staring at the wall. She watches as he wipes a tear from his eye and takes a sip of coffee.
    “What’s the matter, dear?” she whispers as she steps into the room. “Why are you down here at this time of night?”
    The husband looks up, “Do you remember 20 years ago when we were dating, and you were only 17?” he asks solemnly. The wife is touched thinking her husband is so caring and sensitive. “Yes, I do,” she replies.
    The husband pauses. The words are not coming easily. “Do you remember when you father caught us in the back seat of my car?”
    “Yes, I remember,” says the wife, lowering herself into a chair beside him. The husband continues…”Do you remember when he shoved a shotgun in my face and said, “Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years”.
    “I remember that too”, she replies softly.
    He wipes another tear from his cheek and says… “I would have gotten out today!”

  41. jayramfootball

    Overall Liverpool have had a much more baron time over the last 20 years than us.

    No title since when?

    Spurs? Don’t even go there.

    And yet neither of them get anything like the media or crowd abuse we get.

    It is indeed true that people are influenced by the media, and as such are partly to blame for the disproportional negativity we experience at Arsenal.

    But honestly, do you really think you should be making excuses for them?

    You seem to be able to think for yourself.

    Myself, Walter, Tony, Mick, Boo, Nicky, Kenneth, Brickfields, Will, Para, Rantteta, Pete ….the list goes on, we can think for ourselves and don’t stoop to the cesspit like depths that some of our fans do.

    Nope, sorry I’m not having it. There is NO excuse for the way some of our fans behave.

  42. A small argument between a couple turns violent.
    Husband says: Don’t let the animal in me come out.
    Wife replies: Who’s afraid of a mouse !

    If Wife wants Husband’s attention, she just has to look sad & uncomfortable.
    If Husband wants Wife’s attention, he just has to look comfortable & happy.

    A Philosopher HUSBAND said:-
    Every wife is a ‘Mistress’ of her Husband . . . “Miss” for first year & “Stress” for rest of the life . . .

    Do you remember the tingling feeling when you took the decision to get married ? That was common sense leaving your body.

    Son : Dad, l got selected for a role in a play for annual day !
    Dad : What role are you playing ?
    Son : A Husband !
    Dad : Stupid, ask for a role with dialogues !

    Man outside phone booth:
    “Excuse me you are holding phone since 29 minutes and you haven’t spoken a word.”
    Man inside: “I am talking to my Wife.”

    A very intelligent girl was asked the meaning of marriage.
    She said: “Sacrificing the admiration of hundred guys, to face the criticism of one idiot.”

    Position of a Husband is just like a Split Aircon, No matter how loud he is outdoor, He is designed to remain silent indoor !

    Listening to your Wife .. is like reading terms & conditions of a website.
    You understand nothing but still click on “I AGREE.”

    The sweetest message:-
    Wife : You should learn to embrace your mistakes .She hugged him tightly . . .

  43. The problem is that most people who sit in front of a screen with sharpened fingers ready to fire out destruction within a few words typed…are NOT athletes,never were and never will be. With that in mind they have never had to come back after injury or lack of form…they DONT KNOW what inner strength is required to overcome these BAD LUCK moments which can hamper the athlete for months and sometimes years – TO COME BACK and do what is expected as well as perform at the highest level after such trauma is what armchair pundits will NEVER understand.

  44. In response to Diaby’s return, I truly believe as a pEdson and and a pro, he has done it all. There is anything more that you can ask from that boy. Most players with similar injury problems would have retired a long time ago. Here he is, still hanging on, under the limelight, still believing that he can make it. It’s pure ispirational. Exactly the thing our so-called fans can learn a lot from. As Arsene Said, if there is justice, Diaby should be enjoying his football this season. God bless him.

  45. I think John Kosmina was Australian – a striker? – and played a handful of games in the late 70s… but don’t remember him. Slightly before my time as a home regular! I also recall hearing of him being involved in Oz soccer when I lived in New Zealand (the “domestic” league is integrated down under).

  46. Pete, I just had a checked, according to the stats he only played once for the Gunners.I was shocked but not surprised on your quote on the media slagging off Ramsey…
    Also agree with you about encouraging the youngsters, not screaming and bawling,kids need building up not putting down(same for the profis too imo).In my bros league the supporters have to stand behind a piece of tape on the other side of the pitch from the teams coaches.
    First time I saw it must have been U9s.Says it all.
    COYG! Aha and Amen!

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