The Untold Banner – preliminary list of supporters

By Tony Attwood

I have created a first draft of the list of readers of Untold who were kind enough to donate towards the cost of the Untold banner which has now been designed, printed and delivered to the Emirates Stadium.

Arsenal has confirmed they have it, so we are just waiting for confirmation from Arsenal that it will be on display at the Emirates Cup games.

I am very sorry not to have replied to each person individually for their contribution.  It is that old excuse, pressure of time and the general chaos that seems to take over any desk where I sit down and do what I laughably call “work.”

But I really am very, very grateful to everyone for taking such an interest in this venture and making a contribution.

The list as it stands at the moment is at

What I would ask everyone who subscribed to do is to take a look at the page, and then send me details of corrections and omissions by emailing me at   If you can put BANNER CORRECTION on the subject line that will really help me.

Also, to help me even more, please could you  indicate on the email what is wrong in a single line as in

Herbie Chunk should be Donald Trump

or whatever is wrong.   Setting it out in a line by itself will help me get it right.

Once that has happened I will re-write that page with a proper note of thanks, and a review of what it was all about, so that in a few years time when my memory fades but hopefully Untold lives on, there will be a record of Blacksheep’s idea and how he made it come to fruition.  I also hope that there will be some photos of the banner in place in the stadium, on that page.

That page will then have a permanent link from the home page of Untold, and from time to time from articles, so the achievement of getting it done and agreed with Arsenal will be remembered, as long as Untold is alive.  A statement of our philosophy, and a statement of thanks to those who donated.

I am personally knocked out by this – as I have mentioned before, when Blacksheep suggested it to me I was quite dismissive, thinking the club would never let us do it.  But he pushed the idea through, liaised with Red Action and the club, and has made it happen.  We owe him.

Curiously, there is yet more to come by way of special activities this year, as I have an idea lined up that I’ve been hatching for a little while with Arsenal Independent Supporters Assn (AISA) of which Blacksheep and I are members.   I don’t want to pre-empt the launch of that idea, but it is another one that I hope will meet with some support from readers of Untold (although this time we’ll be asking the club, not readers of Untold, to pay!!!)

So again, thank you to Blacksheep for the idea, and thank you very much everyone for your support.  Tell me the errors and omissions, I will get them sorted, and then we’ll add the pictures and make the page a regular feature  on Untold, as well as having a banner picture on the home page.

Tony Attwood

Publisher, Untold Arsenal

Today’s anniversary

  • 17 July 1940 Joe Baker born and went through some junior Scottish clubs before playing for Hibernian and was their top scorer for four years getting 102 goals in just 117 league games.  The Hibs board apparently refused to up his weekly wage from £12 to £17 and so sold him to Torino for £75k – after which he moved on to Arsenal.


5 Replies to “The Untold Banner – preliminary list of supporters”

  1. Tony, is sending money still allowed. sorry but I could not get my paypal account sorted before today. still it is gonna be my first time with paypal so keeping fingers crossed

  2. Tony

    I didn’t see my name on the list & have sent an email to you today re Banner Correction. Can you check this out? Many thanks.

  3. Have e-mailed you Tony for a small correction ,as my friend who sent it by paypal has his name on the list too.

  4. Great work fellas! Thanks for making it possible for us to contribute to this venture in a small way. I can’t wait to see the banner displayed on my TV screen!

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