The supporters clubs meeting, being recognised as a star…. attending a function at the Emirates.


Arsenal has numerous regional supporters clubs across the UK, as well as an official supporters club in 62 countries worldwide, with another 20 countries currently in the process of submitting applications.   You can see a full list of the clubs here.  The UK regional clubs are listed at the top of the European section.

In addition Arsenal formally recognises Red Action who for over 10 years have worked with Arsenal to develop the atmosphere within the stadium, and Arsenal Independent Supporters Association which liaises with the club on issues of concern to supporters.

Untold Arsenal is completely committed to the work of the supporters clubs.  As he explains in the article below, Walter is President of Arsenal Belgium and Tony is Chair of the AISA Arsenal History Society, and a committee member of AISA.

The Supporters Clubs Meeting

By Walter Broeckx

As you probably know by now I am not only writing for Untold Arsenal but I am also the chosen president of the official supporters club in Belgium which is called… yep you guessed it right: Arsenal Belgium.

Now I must say chosen is maybe not the right word. Because when the first president of our supporters club ended his tenure in office,  the group that formed the new board had to pick a president. And as nobody said: I want to be president it was silent for a moment.

Then someone said: ‘Walter I think you should become president’ and despite me struggling for a few moments and pointing out others who in my eyes were more valid candidates for the job all fingers were pointed at me. And so since that day I am the proud president of a fast growing supporters club.

One of the most important things for a supporters club is to get our members to matches. And as our membership has gone through the roof since the new board was installed it is more difficult than ever to give everyone the chance to go to games. But the board is working hard to reach our goals and we probably (if all goes well and Arsenal gives us the tickets we ask) will be able to do this, as we did last season.

But being a president of a supporters club is not only hard work it also brings some obligations. Like attending meetings at Arsenal if there is a meeting of supporters clubs. And by coincidence I was one of the people from our supporters club having a ticket for the Everton match.  And so as there was a meeting of supporters clubs before this match I had to attend.

I don’t know if there any readers from Untold who are involved with supporters clubs (actually I do know there are …) but those who are members will know that until recently it was Jill Smith who did the liaison between Arsenal and their supporters clubs. Jill has retired now and Mark Brindle is the new man in charge.

I think it was his idea to let the supporters club have their say about the problems they face with the tickets and other benefits that being a member of a supporters club should bring.

As usual and one has to keep that in mind, not everything that supporters clubs ask for can be done. I’m using random numbers of course but if Mark can only distribute 500 tickets per match to supporters clubs and he has a demand for 1000 tickets he has to cut somewhere. It’s not nice to see your demand cut but from what I heard on the meeting this is the same problem for all supporters clubs.

The fact that Arsenal brought in people from other departments to help Mark in this meeting and to make sure our problems were properly noted, as they listened to what we wanted to see improved shows that Arsenal does care about its supporters clubs. But it is good to be able to voice your concerns and problems to Arsenal. And to see that they are not taking us supporters clubs for granted.

I heard something say that now there are some 150-160 clubs recognised worldwide and some 30 new clubs have asked to become an official supporters clubs. More clubs, more members means fewer tickets in general for the already existing clubs. But the good thing of course is that this also shows that Arsenal is a club that is growing over the whole world.

After having discussed a few things, we showed off the flag we carry to our matches wherever we go…

Arsenal Belgium on the road

Now tell me isn’t that a nice flag?

… and the Arsenal representative found it so nice he wanted to take a picture of it. Well we are rather proud of the flag and it seems to bring luck so far, as we always win when it is in the stands. Marcel, take your flag to Munich when you go please!

But when the meeting was over and we were off to some free sandwiches and some dessert offered by Arsenal the representative from Arsenal Singapore came up to me asking if I was Walter from Untold. He told me he was a big fan of Untold and a big fan of our work on referees.

Then the representative of the Saudi Arabia supporters club came joining us and wanted to be on a selfie with me and the Singapore member. Ah that feeling of being a superstar…. Oh well… not really but it sure is nice when people come over and say something nice about Untold Arsenal and the work we put in to it.

I do admit that it gives one more energy to continue the job we do. And it is nice to speak with our readers face to face. And it is great to hear that they support our work. And the opinion of one reader is as important to me as is the opinion of… let us say… Ivan Gazidis saying that our ref previews are usually spot on.

It was a nice meeting with the rest of our supporters clubs, well organised by Mark Brindle and the people who assisted him. It felt good that Arsenal wants to listen to their supporters clubs. It was great to speak with some of our readers on the day. It all was part of the great experience that our trip was once again.

8 Replies to “The supporters clubs meeting, being recognised as a star…. attending a function at the Emirates.”

  1. Walter,
    Not only is your land famous for its chips and chocolates, your Arsenal flag can now be added to the list. 😉

  2. Perused the list – wow!

    Extraordinary support in Ireland – North and South.

    And I thought there were at least 30 branches in the USA? Certainly the Orlando branch were very hospitable for the Charity Shield. And nice to see Bill continuing to keep the show on the road in New Zealand – fond memories of playing for their football team once upon a time.

  3. Congrats , Walter , on the honour and fame conferred to you ,your club as well as to Tony and the rest.

    So , Tony and Walter, when are we going to get an UA Official Supporters Club ? As we already are represented in the stadium by our banner , the next logical step is to form one .
    We don’t have to physically meet but can communicate by e-mail and be kept abreast of developments regarding the Arsenal.We can also take our discussions and our aspirations and hopes to a higher level .

    I am quite sure that just like me , some of you do communicate with some others on here in private conversations in little cliques . Let us expand on this to be be more inclusive.

    We can also laugh at ‘them’ and their foolishness , as well as chosen idiots like the Moaning one ! Please vote me in as your court jester and mirth will overflow .

    Bill From Manhattan , with his ‘choice’ words can lead the charge against ‘them’ , in his own forthright way . Am sure he must be frothing at the mouth at this prospect .

    I am sure that the hard core AKBs on here would agree with me and will show their approval by clicking on LIKES by the millions , while those of ‘them’ will do the opposite and show their disapproval to this great idea by clicking the Dislike button.

    Let the voting begin !

  4. It may appear to some that the voting seems slow , but to clarify , each LIKE by an AKB is equivalent to a million , as in truth we are one in a million !

    Every dislike from ‘them ‘ instead is like in Drew Carey’s words ,at the beginning of his ” Whose line is it anyway ” show – “Where your points don’t matter !”

  5. Walter…Great to see you guys in this picture – supporters!!

    Whilst I would have loved for us to go through to the next round of the LC, I do also appreciate the risks of competing in full power in all competitions – close to impossible now days! We would need a squad close to double the size and of equal quality throughout that squad (IMO).

    As it is (after the Wednesday clash) we lost another 2 senior (key players) and with the schedule in the next 3 games aint a simple one to say the least. Swansea, Bayern,and the Tots would ideally need for us to be at full strength.

    I hope that the Ox and Walcott have superficial strains and are able to compete in at least one of the above – ideally two.


  6. Well done Walter, continue the good work developing the fan base of this brilliant club we are all so lucky to support.

  7. What an enjoyable report, Walter! And what a great photo with a great banner. It must have been really nice meeting the supporters from other national supporters’ clubs. And hearing the deserved recognition for the work of Untold.

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