The Arsenal junior who became Theirry’s assistant

As you probably realise, each day we publish a list of 20 or more anniversary events related to Arsenal, for that day, on the Arsenal History Society site.

We write a bit of background on each item and then try to do a bit more digging in relation to one particular person mentioned on that day.

Today’s choice is Kwame Ampadu who played but two games for Arsenal, and then had a very active career in the lower leagues of English football.

The story about Kwame and all the anniversaries for today can be found here

What makes him so interesting is that he then became assistant to Thierry Henry at Monaco, and then when Thierry left the job with Monaco facing relegation, Kwame was kept on.

You can read more, and of course all the Arsenal anniversaries for today, on the Arsenal History Society site.  And indeed if you remember a player from day’s gone by with affection, we’ve quite probably got an article on him.  If we haven’t you can always write one and submit it to the site, or request the site gets one done itself.  Just email

We also have the complete anniversaries files on the Arsenal History Society website – with over 7000 anniversaries in total.   Go to the right side of the page, scroll down to the “Pages” section and you will see 12 files listed  as in

Just click on the one you want.  Each month’s file is updated at the end of that month – so for example the March file is updated at the end of March, after we have added new date through that month.

You’ll also find in the “pages” section a list of all of our major series, published across the years.