Probert, the ref of the Norwich game, on a mission against Wenger. How it all began in 2009

By Walter Broeckx In another article Andrew has reported a few things about the ref  who has been appointed by Mike Riley, head of the PGMOL for the Norwich Arsenal match. But there is more about this ref. The first time we had him on our radar was early in the season 2009-2010. Our away …

Adam Brogden: an Arsenal fan and Untold contributor

It is with utterly overwhelming sadness that I have to report the death of one of Untold Arsenal’s most valued contributors, Adam Brogden. Lydia Cubinakova, Adam’s partner wrote to me earlier this week to tell me that Adam was taken away from us suddenly on Monday night at about 22:15 in a fatal tragic road accident. I have …

Why Arsenal will lose on Saturday: Probert is in charge

Arsenal v Norwich Saturday 19th October 2013 – The most predictable referee appointment, the most predictable result  “One incorrect decision favouring Arsenal, fifteen favouring Norwich”  Referee – Lee Probert Assistant Referees – R Ganfield and M Scholes 4th Official – K Hill Lee Probert – Has done four games in the premier league so far …

Arsenal AGM 17 October 2013: an Untold report

Arsenal AGM 17 October 2013 Andrew Crawshaw The Arsenal AGM took place at the Emirates Stadium at 11.30 on Thursday 17th October with some two hundred or so shareholders or their representatives present as well as assorted members of the press and other invitees. I was there representing a shareholder and these are my thoughts …

Ref Review 2012/13 : Wigan and the bias of the referees

By Walter Broeckx This article is part of the series of the Referee Review 2013. You can find links to earlier articles on the bottom of this article. __________________________ After having dealt with the different teams and after having examined all the refs and this leading to the best ref of the season according to …

It’s football Jim but not as we know it*

* This is the editor’s headline and will only make sense if you recall the original series of Star Trek.  If not, you might care to think of this piece under the title “THE EVOLVING GAME – an article partially based on Jason Burt’s essay in The Telegraph” which is how the author describes it. …

The in(ter)-jury(nationals) games from Fifa: boring as usual

By Walter Broeckx Are you also so bored these days? Well then you are not alone. I thought about going to see a local game of football myself and write a report and take some pictures like Tony and Drew do each time there is no Arsenal game to go to. But it started raining …

Arsenal on (red) alert looking to outbid… blah blah blah

By our man down the pub. So who is it going to be in January? a) no one b) Fernando Llorente c)  Saido Berahino d) Karim Benzema “No one” is the preferred option of the AAA who are desperate for Giroud to be injured and then for Arsenal to slip down the league and (they imagine) …

The most unbiased ref in the PL 2012/13

By Walter Broeckx This article is part of the series of the Referee Review 2013. You can find links to earlier articles on the bottom of this article. __________________________ After having dealt with the different teams and after having examined all the refs we now are bringing it all together. In the last article in …

Stillness and Speed. The old boys want to return to Arsenal.

By Tony Attwood For a while on the administrative front the story has been around that Liam Brady will leave Arsenal. At the time of the announcement of his departure, Ivan Gazidis said, “Liam has a deep understanding of what it takes to discover and develop a talented youngster into someone who can perform at …

Ref Review 2012/13: The referee competency league table

By Walter Broeckx This article is part of the series of the Referee Review 2013. You can find links to earlier articles on the bottom of this article. __________________________ After having dealt with the different teams and after having examined all the refs we now bring together the scores from all the refs and we …

Southampton: a new contender knocking at the door?

By Tony Attwood The chair of  Southampton has joined with Chelsea in launching an attack on Uefa’s Financial Fair Play policy and the Premier League’s own version of the programme. I don’t want to do another FFP article, because the whole situation remains too unclear to make any firm predictions about.  But fFor now I …