Whatever happened to analysis?

A comment came into Untold a few days back which basically said that all the stuff about the systematic errors by referees which favour some teams and harm others, and all the analysis of injuries and how Arsenal get more on-field contact injuries than others, is all nonsense. The clear fact, it was said in …

For whom the bell tolls: the future prospects for Fifa and Uefa

FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS by Don McMahon The actions of FIFA against Barcelona and the Spanish FA got me to pondering a delightfully mischievous idea that has been bandied about the blogosphere and Europe since the early 2000’s. What would be the consequences of the following teams breaking away from Fifa and Eufa and …

The question no journalist asked at the press conference.

By Tony Attwood On 14 March various newspapers carried the story that Arsène Wenger had ordered an internal enquiry into why Arsenal have suffered such a disproportionately high number of injuries to the first team squad. Nothing more was heard of this until last Friday when several papers carried reports on a further interview with Mr …

Everton Away Preview

D-Sanchez-Cabello I’ll begin with the good news. Ramsey is back, with a chance of featuring today. It would seem slightly premature to start him, but you never know. Ramsey’s importance is hard to overstate. To my mind we haven’t had a more complete midfielder since Vieira. His early season form was magnificent and as a …

Tottenham on tour: the stadium mystery deepens again

By Tony Attwood Just when I thought that we had done with the issue of Tottenham and their stadium, thinking that any minute now the massive presence of Eric Pickles would shake the world about and give permission for the compulsory purchase of parts of the High Road so the development of the new stadium …

So match fixing doesn’t exist? Untold Arsenal removes the tin foil hats

By Walter Broeckx Whenever we publish an article about referees and we tell it as we see it, we get called paranoid.  Or get called other ‘nice names’ by people who put it all down to honest mistakes. Refs are holier than Jesus Christ, Mohammed the prophet, Buddha, God, the Dalai Lama, and whoever else …

Martin Atkinson: a truly awful ref… in pictures, words and graphics. Everton v Arsenal 6th April 2014 – The Match Officials

  Everton v Arsenal 6th April 2014 – The Match Officials By Andrew Crawshaw Referee – Martin Atkinson Assistants – P Kirkup and D Bryan Fourth Official – M Jones Before I start about our game, the other key teams Man City v Southampton – Chris Foy – I can’t see past a win for …

Real Madrid fans see the AAA as a blueprint, rather than a dire warning

by Tony Attwood Now here’s a thing.  The supporters of Real Madrid jeered Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale during a 5-0 defeat of Rayo Vallecano.   Carlo Ancelotti then pleaded with the Real Madrid fans to unite with the players. Both events were strange to my mind.  Strange to boo such talented players in a …

Don’t say it out loud, but we might have some good news

By Walter Broeckx Hush, hush, whisper it softly. But there might be some good news from the injury front. Let’s not jinx it by shouting it out loud but the news filtering through about some players sounds like music to my ears. We know that Kallstrom has been fit for 2 weeks and has played …

Tottenham’s new ground still a matter of mystery

By Tony Attwood I didn’t find this year’s April Fool’s day (a day of practical jokes across Europe – which I seem to recall is called April fish in France – perhaps Walter can tell us what it is called in Flemish), not especially amusing. The essence of an April Fool story is that at …

Keeping the faith: the view from inside the club.

By Walter Broeckx Just over a year ago I had the good fortune to be able to talk with one of the most important people at our club. And just before you get too carried away with thinking who, let me say at once that it wasn’t Wenger. The meeting happened in December 2012. And …

Help help, the flagship goes down! SOS – part 2

By Walter Broeckx In my first article about the words spoken by the head of the PL I pointed how all was in place to set up some kind of calciopoli in the PL. A head of the most powerful and important club in the PL defending his own legacy and interests, a head of …

Barcelona’s ban from signing anyone gives hope that other regs will be upheld

By Tony Attwood The fact that Fifa have actually found against Barcelona and Spain’s Football Association in the issue of the transfer of minors from outside of the EU has come as a bit of a shock.  At least in this office. Fifa actually taking action?  Against Barcelona?  It all seemed so unlikely. Of course …

How the fall of Man U helped us understand how refereeing works. Part 1

By Walter Broeckx At Untold we have done a lot of work in dismantling the old expressions that are used such like: it evens out at the end. We have proven that it didn’t even out at the end for most clubs. Our referee reviews have brought enough evidence of this. And it has given …

The main reason for Arsenal slipping up

By Walter Broeckx NOTE: As Untold Arsenal is again under some kind of cyber attack we might experience some troubles with posting articles. Or you might have troubles entering the site or posting comments. We hope that the IT people can sort this out as soon as possible.  When we look at the league table …

The Untold injury records – Part 12 Including the number of games

By Walter Broeckx After 12 articles about injuries it is time to add another parameter to the numbers we have had. Links to these articles can be found here the introduction part 1   and part 2   and part 3   and part 4    and part 5  and part 6 and part 7  and part 8  …

Tactics, mistakes, luck it all plays a part

By Walter Broeckx Last week was a bit of a hectic week. Our defeat at Chelsea was the chance for the moaners to come out in full force again. So let us try to do a little analysing of this first. We know the simple analyzing that is usually done by the non-existing part of …