The dangers of letting perfidious government lackeys get their hands on Premier League money

By Tony Attwood It is being said in the corridors of power (to use CP Snow’s influential phrase – largely because my brain refuses to dream up an alternative before my first coffee of the day) that the government is thinking of imposing a levy on the Premier League’s radio and tv income and then …

Why has everyone got so incredibly angry about football all of a sudden?

By Tony Attwood Anyone who reads the English newspapers and their blogs on a regular basis will be used to the endless attacks on Arsenal.  We all know what this summer’s campaign has been, and although the attacks have been different in the past there have always been attacks. Indeed I can remember when Mr …

Fear and loathing in the media: football journalism is decadent and depraved

By Tony Attwood This summer’s transfer window resulted in a few Arsenal “fans” calling for Mr Wenger to be replaced, on the basis that only one major signing was made, and Arsenal only won one of their first three games. The contrary argument that no club has won more games in 2015 than Arsenal in …

Progress, Progress, Blind Progress.

Progress, Progress, Blind Progress. By Menace I have been watching the Beautiful Game for more than  60 years and in that time there has been a lot of change.  The players are fitter.  The clothing they wear is high tech.  Their boots are multicoloured light ‘sandals’ with blades rather than studs.  Their incomes are bordering …

A EUROPEAN B LEAGUE? And what’s happening in the Uefa Youth League this year?

A EUROPEAN B LEAGUE?……….Don McMahon With a footnote at the end in regards to Arsenal’s entry into the Uefa Youth League this year. What about a European reserve league where all top 5 teams from LaLiga, the EPL, Seria A, etc. could enter a reserve team using loanee, youth, reserve and bench-warmers (or recuperating players) …

Does the amount a team costs reflect its position in the league or have we been led up the garden path?

By Tony Attwood We have been told by many correspondents that it is quite possible to measure the success of Arsenal’s transfer window activity.  You know the old story.  Arsenal scored two goals fewer than Chelsea last season, and that is why we didn’t win the league, so we need to buy a new goal …


DO ARSENAL REALLY NEED A WORLD CLASS STRIKER? by Metalhead After what some have called a disappointing Transfer window, a lot of the Arsenal fans were left dejected with the activity or lack of it. One of the main debates was about the requirement of a new striker. Several Arsenal fans wanted Karim Benzema or …

Keeping the Stiffs supple

Chris Hannington READY WILLING AND ABLE – BUT MATCH FIT? Arsenal have had [according to some – Tony] a stuttering and lacklustre start to this season. So it is time to reiterate that we have a large squad that is brimming with top quality. Our first team (probable) of Cech, Bellerin, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Coquelin, Cazorla, …

Arsenal’s success is not just about the transfer window. It is far more complex than that.

By Tony Attwood A few days ago we ran a little piece about players that are transferred to clubs but then don’t deliver in the way that the clubs and their supporters might have anticipated.  This was based on the notion that although buying players is one way of developing a team, and the way …

Under half the clubs have fans who are satisfied with their performance in the transfer window

By Tony Attwood A recent article in the Guardian had brief reports from the writing of various blogettas about how they felt regarding their club’s involved in the transfer window. I had hoped they might invite Sir Hardly Anyone to comment on Arsenal but no, they went where they knew they would get complaint.  Actually …

State of the Arsenal Nation – Phase one of the season is over

by Tim Charlesworth And breathe….. So phase 1 of the season is over, and the reviled interlull is upon us.  The first four premiership games are played and the transfer window is closed. This was perhaps the least important ‘phase 1’ for years.  There were several reasons for this.  Firstly, we had no major squad …

SHOCK NEWS: Arsenal player REMOVED from squad. (Warning, blogetta on the horizon).

By Sir Hardly Anyone. Well, my little ducklings, Well! Have you ever wondered what all the little blogettas do outside the so-called transfer “window”.  (OK I know it is not really “so-called” and there is no need to put “window” in “inverted commas” but it is the sort of the thing the blogettas do because …

Understanding football through endless repetition: how to get things totally wrong

By Tony Attwood If there is one thing that has really influenced – indeed taken over – football in the past five years it is what New Scientist magazine recently called “Trial by Repetition”.  The observable fact that if you say something often enough it becomes perceived to be true, irrespective of whether there is …

The loan system changes after this season, but how far should the changes go

. By Tony Attwood . This transfer window seems to have been chewed over more than any before, and even now we haven’t quite got through every detail of it – although I notice that the first “rumours” (ie made up tales) about the January transfer window have now started. . But more on that …

Ref Review : Newcastle – Arsenal

By Usama and Walter NEWCASTLE UNITED vs. ARSENAL COMPETITION: English Premier League MATCH NO. 4 DATE: 29th August 2015 VENUE: St. James’ Park (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England) MATCH OFFICIALS: REFEREE: Andre Marriner 1st LINESMAN: Darren Cann 2nd LINESMAN: Marc Perry 4th OFFICIAL: Anthony Taylor First Half Fouls, Advantages, Cards, and Penalties Time Foul by Foul For Description …

The transfer window is closed but we might still have a surprise in store

. . By Tony Attwood . In the article Why big name transfer window signings are more likely to flop than succeed we showed that the statement, made by a few people within the commentaries on this blog, “why has Arsenal not strengthened the squad with top players, all the others have?” was actually the wrong question. …

Arsenal’s “25” in the Premier League and Champions League, and a few local difficulties.

By Tony Attwood We’ve been through the rules about the Premier League’s “25” and the European equivalent so many times I am not going to recite the rules again. Instead here is the list of the 25s and the extras, and then just in case you have nothing better to do, a little commentary on …

What’s going on with English Refereeing? Here’s an answer

By Walter Broeckx I must say that I read the article by Tim published earlier with great interest. I admit that he touched on some very interesting points. And I find it welcome that someone who has a different view on our referee work has the chance to give his thoughts on this subject. When …

Not much in the media about it but some fans show they are part of humanity

By Tony Attwood The BBC picked up the story early on with “Bayern Munich to set up refugees training camp” for refugees coming into Germany while donating 1m euros for refugee projects.   They plan to provide food, German lessons and football equipment for children. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge is quoted as saying “Bayern sees it as its social …

Onwards and upwards: the window is shut.

ONWARDS AND UPWARDS by Fishpie   Right. That’s over then. The Transfer Window of 2015. The outcome? A much welcomed, better, top-drawer goalkeeper and a less welcomed achievement: apparently we were the only club in top-flight European football not to buy an outfield player. That’s not what I was expecting.  Or what I was hoping …

Why do we even play on the field?

By Walter Broeckx That’s it the season is over and finished. City has spent most money, was top before the transfer window slammed shut so no point to add anything to this: City is champion of the season 2015-2016. That is at least the impression you get when you see some people (lucky only a …

What’s going on with English Refereeing?

What’s going on with English Refereeing? Tim Charlesworth I love all things ‘Untold’, with one exception.  I find myself constantly disagreeing with the analysis of refereeing.  Unlike many readers of this site, I don’t see any evidence of a systematic refereeing bias against Arsenal. I certainly see a lot of mistakes, and I have some …


THE MECHANICS OF ARSENAL TRANSFERS…..Don McMahon Like most of my Gooner compatriots, I have been following the transfer shenanigans and misadventures of EPL and European Clubs with what one can best describe as educated disinterest combined with bemused incredulity. That said, I also was negatively impressed with the barrage of whining and angst far too …

Transfer Deadline day on social media: stupid and disgusting as can be

By Walter Broeckx Transfer Deadline Day (as it is called) on the social media is a bit of a strange happening. As I had stayed away from twitter for almost the whole transfer period I thought it would be interesting to have a look at how things stand. Now I must admit that I do …

Why big name transfer window signings are more likely to flop than succeed

By Billy “the Dog” McGraw One of the big problems with analysing the emergence of playing squads is that the media has fixed the agenda so that only the transfer window is important.  It can have a place in developing a squad, but there are other mechanisms.  Since the media refuse to acknowledge them, I …