Statue of Wenger at the Emirates Will Saudi Arabia take over Uefa? It looks like that could well happen. How many players does a club need and just how much of a problem do injuries bring? We don’t normally run stories on both Untold Arsenal and the Arsenal History Society website, but today …
Read More “Wenger’s statue at the Emirates Stadium: it seems to be happening”
Barcelona’s financial troubles How many players does a club need and just how much of a problem do injuries bring? Variation and the confusion is now the key for Arsenal By Sir Hardly Anyone As we know Manchester City are now under investigation both by the other 19 clubs in the …
Read More “Will Saudi Arabia take over Uefa? It looks like that could well happen.”
Premier League football injuries Variation and the confusion is now the key for Arsenal Manchester City: now Uefa are after them as well as the Premier League By Tony Attwood As we know the number of players that can be registered for a Premier League side who are over 21 years old is …
Read More “How many players does a club need and just how much of a problem do injuries bring?”