Arsenal’s inferiority complex: if we did have one, it’s now long since gone

      By Tony Attwood This article continues from the previous piece Did Arsenal really have an inferiority complex? which looked at the putdowns that have been thrown Arsenal’s way.   As we said at the end of that piece These put-downs of Arsenal (as in “not a North London team” because over 100 years …

Did Arsenal really have an inferiority complex

    Oh what a wonderful evening: and thank you Arsenal, thank you Mr Dunford Are Tottenham Hotspur really a big club? An Untold enquiry. By Tony Attwood As you might have noticed I am currently writing a series of articles about Herbert Champman’s life, building up to the 100th anniversary of Champman coming to …

The last thing Arsenal need is a new goal scoring centre forward

      How was the ref – and one club finds a way around FFP constraints Arsenal v ManC, the team, and Untold Arsenal on Radio 5  Are Tottenham Hotspur really a big club? An Untold enquiry.   By Tony Attwood, carefully aided by a soap box. Last season after 24 games Arsenal had …