What A Difference a year makes!

By Sammy The Snake and Walter Broeckx


We all know the saga behind the transfer of RVP from Arsenal to ManU.


One moment we were cheering for him and saying “Who needs Batman when we have Robin?” (I always thought that was really clever!). He was our “Get Out Of Jail” card, he was our hero and…The next moment (or maybe month, I can’t be really sure), the boy inside him was daydreaming.


Fast forward a year, and Robin seems out of sorts at United. While United’s season seems to be going from bad to worse with every game, Robin’s indications of discontent have been surfacing (of course with Moyes denying all of it…).


As the saying goes, the sh!t hit the fan last night when ManU lost in CL, after which RVP had this to say to a Dutch TV channel:


“Our fellow players are sometimes occupying the spaces I want to play in. And when I see that it makes it difficult for me to come to those spaces as well… And unfortunately, they’re often playing in my zones. I think that’s a shame.”


He then goes to says: “It’s easy to point the finger at someone, but I’m not like that”. Well you just did!


Isn’t this the same guy that said sometime in January 2013 that it’s easy for him to score goals as he is “surrounded by champions”?!


What bloody hypocrisy! It’s all about you, isn’t it?


Now I must say that for many years Robin did have a good sense of knowing what to say at the right time and when to say it. He was excellent in his public relations.


Showing himself as being a real Gooner since birth (or thereabouts) and making himself more popular than ever. At the time we believed it. I must say I also fell for it. In fact I think we all fell for it. Posting pictures with little boys who had Arsenal shirts on. Come to think of it… when Robin Van Persie is around there seems to be a little boy around also even one inside him.


His family joining in and telling how much Robin loved Arsenal and how he never could play for any other team in the PL. Do we really have to believe that even they fell for it? Or where they just toys in his hands to bring his popularity as high as possible?


So all these years Robin created a hype around himself. Making us all believe that he was the ultimate Gooner-Gunner. And then he squashed it all away in one statement. Hi guys….


Telling how he wasn’t happy with the way the club was going. Even at that moment he tried to make us believe that he did it all with the best interest for Arsenal. Talking abut hypocrisy…


So he acted like the still not pregnant 40 year old women desperately wanting a baby or a little boy I might say. And he made it clear that he would only go to Manchester United. Not to Juventus where Arsenal wanted him to go. And looking back at the additions Wenger made I really believe that if he would have stayed it would have been Arsenal that won the league last years. Take his contribution out of Manchester United last season and let him even perform half the way he did for them and we would have won the league. That is something I am sure off.


But after one year saying the right things to the United fans the first crack come out again. Of course we know he is a hypocrite of the highest order and so we see it sooner than others. After all, once you have been cheated on you tend to see things quicker.


And now suddenly it is no longer about “the team” as he did at Arsenal for a while. But even then from a sudden point it suddenly came a bit of a personal thing. It became more and more about me and I.


And that is what we see now happening at United. Suddenly the team is doing things wrong, not him of course. He doesn’t openly criticises Moyes….yet. Because well they need each other how much they might dislike each other. To get out of United he needs to play to get others interested. And well Moyes needs him to save anything that is left to save for United.


Of course us Gooners look at it with a smile on our face. We have seen the hypocrite at work before. And even though he was a great player for Arsenal he will never be A great. Never for Arsenal. But surely not for United. He will be remembered for being an egoistic player who thought he should be allowed to run the club and when he didn’t get it his way he ran of like a little boy.


Now I know I am not that stupid to think that our players are all Gooners also. But at least they don’t try to give that impression when it is build on sand. We know a player like Jenkinson is a real Gooner-Gunner. Per Mertesacker was a big fan as a child. And probably others will have been. But their public relations machine isn’t building on that to keep the fans on board like Robin did it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Van Persie is doing his last year at United. But the problem is that he will have to take a pay cut in that case. As apart from the oil teams no other team will pay what he is getting at United. Caught in a golden cage one could say. Serves the hypocrite right.



26 Replies to “What A Difference a year makes!”

  1. Noting how our friends in the media have tried to start a rumour about his return to Arsenal, I hope that none of our fans are daft enough either to believe it or to want it to happen.

    Let the press then run their “Arsenal miss out on chance for RVP return….” rubbish and let us continue to ignore them and the rest of their nonsense.

  2. @John
    Or they will use the …’Wenger snubbed by Van Persie’ format, that’s always popular.

  3. He can come back to Arsenal for me… to clean the statues outside the Emirates every day…. 😉

  4. Poor boy, he fell in that “mourinho trap” of people who did not appreciate the circumstance under which Arsenal was operating. He did not want to be part of the miracle Wenger was creating or rather, he did not deserve to be part of it. Only the humble are to be part of it.

  5. I wrote this on “a cultured left foot” the day after he signed,

    There once was a Dutch striker named Robin van Persie,
    who’s injury record was a bit of a cursie,
    he got the ‘ump, and now oop north he goes,
    he even got Arsene shaking hands with old Red Nose,
    but its clear to see,for 24 million, AFC, have shown them no mercy.

    I stand by my limerick.
    I have no sympathy for anyone who earns 200k a week and is miserable. A pampered brat.
    He should try mining, or North Atlantic fishing, the wimp.

  6. I wouldn’t want to see him back under any circumstances, while it is very funny to think of him cleaning statues etc, lets not insult the honest hard working people who clean at the Emirates by suggesting that a traitor would do their jobs as conscientiously as they do.

    He has made his bed elsewhere, alongside the granny shagger, that’s where he can stay.

  7. Thanks Sammy and Walter for this article.

    “And even though he was a great player for Arsenal he will never be A great. Never for Arsenal. But surely not for United”…these words are eternal.

    Can we say then that RVP will never be ‘A great’ anywhere? Even for country? Poor boy. He ‘sold his birth right for a plate of porrage’. Im sure he would have been one of the greatest (given his achievement vis a vis length of injury)in Arsenal had he stayed and helped win 1 EPL title. This will haunt him for as long as his and Arsenal’s stories are told.

    @ Emmanuel Ongiertho, well said sir. @naked goon, a seer thou art!

    I felt very bad and wondered why AW would gift manure/sir red nose the XX. I thought allowing Robbing Van of Purses see out his contract was better, or should have been sold out of EPL if he must leave Arsenal. His “you guys ” PR rubbish rubbed salt on my injury…now, a year after, I realise AW knows best in quite a number of ways more than many!

    I can imagine the reactions in manure dressing room to his recent “…playing in my space” comment. I agree with Walter, he is free to return in that capacity.

    Morals of the story: Never give a little boy everything he cries for.


  8. Players leave Arsenal all the time and we are not always happy when they do but none has been as infuriating for fans as RvP. He is a traitor of the first order – the worst type. I try not to write about the guy because he brings out the worst in me.

    I can still remember the number of battles that I fought on his behalf against those who called him glass legs when he was playing 1/3 of a season every season for us. I know that I wasn’t alone as his defender, there were many of us. But when we needed him most, he realised we were not ambitious enough. Had he been earning his pay by playing 2/3s to 3/4s of seasons before, we might have won something. The fucking ingrate.

    I never celebrate misses by any team unless they affect Arsenal but I was gleeful to see RvP miss that sitter against Olympiacos. I only wish for things to continue to get worse for him and his team of ‘champions’.

  9. As Barca fans said of Figo after leaving for Real “We only hate you because we loved you so much”
    Part of me cannot blame this talented player for seeking a trophy or two, and after the summer of Cesc, he may have had genuine doubts as to whether he would win said trophies in his time at Arsenal. BUT there are ways of doing things. As Dein said, he wanted out, and made damn sure he got out, causing serious collateral damage to the club and manager, and the fanbase.
    RVP is a talented player, but perhaps not one you want around when things go wrong, as Utd are finding out.
    He will become increasingly injury prone,especially after a WC. My Spud brother in law is convinced Van Gaal will bring him on subsidised wages to the lane, or at least try to. If so,they are welcome to him.

  10. Especially Bergkamp’s statue that way he can always be reminded what a legend is like which is something he will never achieve!

  11. Van Persie is a side story. Barely worthy of our attention. Let’s all move on.

    And I can’t see him rejoining Arsenal either.

    I’m more interested in the Morata and Draxler stories. Adiing one of or even both of those players to Giroud and Sanogo would be something to look forward to. Pace, power, skill and youth.

  12. Bootoome RVP is indeed a traitor and the worse kind of backstabbing little *****… but still, enjoyed his miss Tuesday… in fact enjoyed the whole game.

  13. Well i really don’t want to see him at Arsenal again, but what AW said (slightly)worries me. He said that “one cannot rule it out”, when he was asked if he could see RVP at Arsenal again.
    So i hope this is just AW being nice(RVP does not deserve that) and diplomatic(we all know what diplomatic really means).

    Anyway tough month ahead, and i hope we get some players back and no more injuries so we can sail through with a good back wind.

    Forward Arsenal for ever.

  14. RVP is wasted playing for David Moyes. How can David Moyes possibly improve RVP, he’s never had to deal with such a technically gifted player.

    As recent events have shown, Wayne Rooney is the blue eyed boy at Old Trafford and I fail to see a future there for RVP.

    I also don’t think the pair get along, they certainly don’t combine as a pair. In a recent match that both players played in they passed to each other only twice during the whole 90 mins, and one of those was from the KO.

  15. Diplomacy means the art of nearly deceiving all your friends, but not quite deceiving all your enemies.

    Diplomacy – The ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they actually look forward to the trip .

  16. Tasos.

    I heard the ‘passing to each other’ stats for RVP and Rooney over the season are terrible. I can’t produce figures or anything but I caught a conversation that said as much on the radio. Apologies if I’m wrong.

    The point I’m getting to is that I think Rooney has issues with anyone he perceives as a threat. I think if you was to check, the figures with regard to how many times he passes to Theo in an England shirt are pretty dire as well.

    This again is not something I can collaborate with figures, it’s just something I noticed, and once I had it was so obvious. Unless he has to, he will always avoid passing to Theo.

    I might be wrong but I’d be interested to see some related stats, if there are any.

  17. PS before anyone jumps on the ‘sees as a threat’ line, it might just be players/people he doesn’t like. Either way it seems there could be something in it, for whatever reason.

  18. The RvanP saga is yet another example where an ex-Arsenal player has found that the grass isn’t greener.
    With his new-found riches I think it would be difficult to return to the Emirates and there would be obvious reluctance by United to transfer him to City or Chelsea.
    His ultimate destination would therefore appear to be foreign parts.
    All because of his initial greed…..

  19. As my beloved Irish grannie often said,¨ Everyone brings joy into this club, some by entering and some by leaving¨……please don’t ruin our joy Arsene by allowing the Van Putrid back!
    I don’t hate the guy, I just detest his hypocrisy and boldfaced lying….I hope he finds a true home like he had at the Emirates…..they are few and far between.

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