Arsenal 3 Scotland 0 and the big problem with signing Vardy that seems to be overlooked

by Dr Billy “the Dog” McGraw

Chief psychologist at the Institute of Certain Things, The University Hospital of the North Circular Road.

I would like you to know that normally I don’t do sundays, but there have been so many calls on my time from members of the aaa utterly distraught that their banners and proclamations that “Arsenal were the only club not to sign an outfield player in the summer” have to be set aside, that I seem to be back on the job.

As it were.

Of course I have pointed out to the young  laddie  who brought the matter to my attention that recycling banners was not quite my thing, but that since Arsenal might not sign a goalkeeper this summer it might be an idea to cross out “outfield player” and write in “keeper,” and that kept them happy.

But I am also here as I have been called in by the lovely Mrs Vardy to give her guidance and support after a bunch of hearty roughs from the Midlands Eastern Quarter published a tweetette type things saying that she is a traitorous whatnot for persuading her husband to head for the bright lights.

Mrs V did apparently publish a Twit complaining about the traffic in London, which when it comes down to it is as good as being seen at the estate agents in Totteridge peering in.  (Hint to Mrs V – try Bishops Avenue – I find it most conducive, and lots of my patients are within walking distance).

Although maybe Arsenal ought to buy its own estate agency as an extra inducement to the wives of players who have the arduous task for seeking new homes before the old one is barely settled into.  I’ll pass that one on to the powers that be at Highbury House.

But to business.

The Independent gets rather high and mighty with correcting Mrs V’s grammar publishing this under the belt commentary today…

“Listen LCFC fans don’t come at me with abuse! I have nothing whatsoever to do with calling the shots in my husband’s career! Its (sic) unfair,” she tweeted on Saturday.

Now as you, my educated readership will know, “sic” is not a misprint, but rather a Latin adverb meaning literally “thus” deriving from sic erat scriptum, which in yer local tongue could be translated as “thus was it written”.

Editors full of vague pomposity and disjointed intellect (not you Tony) like to insert “sic” after a word to show that yes, they know it is a mistake, but it wasn’t their mistake, this is how it was writ in the first place.  It is supposed to be used to point out archaic spelling, a surprising assertion not based on the earlier logic (as after a comment from an aaa an editor might write “sic sic sic”), faulty reasoning, and so forth.

Of course as the educated readership of Untold will know Mrs W should have written “it’s” not “its” – “it’s being correct because it is short for “it is” while “its” means “relating or pertaining to it”.

But I deviate.  Let’s have a headline

Arsenal’s weekly wages

Sat, June 4, 2016

Express Sport brings you Liverpool’s wage bill, based on research conducted by Express Trainers


Yes indeed.  The Express telling us about Arsenal’s wages by examining Liverpool.  A crafty ploy.

Back with Vardy several newspapers have the news that the Vardarian medical will be today and wasn’t the friday before last as Untold reported last week.    So maybe, maybe not, but if so, then Untold will of course claim to have been the first to let anyone know.  Apart from that Balkan Blog site with its wonderful advert.  You will excuse me if I print it again, I trust…

Exactly What You Need to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse


Oh yes, and the Express is really going overboard today with

Euro 2016 is nearly upon us but who will be the WAGs heading to France to support their men during the tournament

But now let me come to the big news.  IF (and it is a big IF which is why I have written it in CAPITALS so please don’t correct this with the word “sic” Mr Ed) IF Mr Vardy signs up, then we will have two centre forwards both aged 29, and we will have to go through this whole thing again in two years time.   What’s more the aaa and their chums at Liverpool? and on the BBC will be full off “you can’t win anything with old men”.

However there is other news.   French “fans” have been booing our chum Olivier Giroud – even though he scored two goals in defeating Scotland in Metz.   Laurent Koscielny got the other.   So the Metro has the headline of “Watch: Man Utd legend orders France fans to cheer under fire Arsenal star Giroud”

They also have film of one of Giroud’s goal which is worth watching.  Just click here and then scroll down the rather cranky web page.

Gordon Strachan praised the France side, by saying: “If there is a better team than them then we are in for a fantastic Euros.”

And thus, op cit, viz, ibid, we have it.  As it were.  I am told that the next article will be a very serious one about the effect of social media on the ability to have a proper debate about anything, so I’d better bugger off sharpish.

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26 Replies to “Arsenal 3 Scotland 0 and the big problem with signing Vardy that seems to be overlooked”

  1. If Vardy is the player that the manager wants and does sign, then I’d be happy and eager to see how he is used.

    I think his age also is not as much of a problem as many are making it out to be. He still clearly has ability and can probably still give 3 more years of goal scoring. Even if he just has a year or two of elite level play ahead, there’s still Danny and Theo behind him. His age also means he won’t block the path of any of our youth players.

    Jon Toral was exceptional on loan last season and is at the age when he should start getting integrated. Chuba is probably just one more loan off integration, then there is the likes of Joe Wilock behind them. Signing someone like Morata ahead of Vardy will block the paths of all those talented young men, and waste Danny and Theo, while also being a risk in itself. The move for Vardy makes sense.

  2. Arseblog (today) suggested that Giroud & Vardy might limit their interaction to mutual compliments about hair & fashion accessories.

  3. Looking at the France-Scotland game last night, I could not but imagine the headline :

    Arsenal 3 – Scotland 0

    But then…I guess we’ll see stuff like : Arsenal striker booed by fans or other imbecile and misleading stuff…

    Maybe this is the zombie apocalypse…a non working press. I’d hate to be british these days and have to decide how to vote on the Brexit based on what the press is spitting out…..

    About that, considering England is an island, maybe someone could start a movement saying you are not part of Europe alltogether ? And create a new organisation of island states on the outer limites of Europe : England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, N. Ireland, Iceland, Faroé Is, Isle of Man, Malta, Cyprus. Maybe offer Corsica, Sardeigna, Sicily a slot too.

    This would then translate into an International Cup competing with the Champions League…..


  4. Your knowledge of grammar is I’m afraid outdated. Sic is a modern word to express joy, as in, “he was sic”. Old farts commonly confuse this with vomiting or Latin. Surely you’ve heard your grandkids using this hip lingo?

  5. Luscious lisa: context is everything, and in terms of the sentence, the fact that “sic” was in italics and in parenthesis and that it was published in the Independent, a publication not known for using teenage slang, but which does occasionally utilise Latin, then the Latin definition is the correct one. It is one thing to know stuff, it is quite another to be able to apply that knowledge within the context in which it arises.

  6. My good morning Sunday greetings to all Untolders.

    Dr Billy MacCraw, I know we are all entitled to our personal opinion on any matter and issue. I must say I am surprised when some Gooners who I supposedly are AKBs are against the Boss’s efforts to sign Vardy instead of them to hail him for his trying to sign a recognized marquee sticker like Vardy for Arsenal this summer.

    Nonetheless , an Arsenal hatter who calls himself Ben Jacobs has written an anti-Arsenal article and posted it on Espnfc site. In summary, he went on to give his reasons why Vardy should not sign for Arsenal but stays on at Leicester.

    If Vardy’s medicals went on successfully at Arsenal today and he afterwards put pen to paper to officially arrived at Arsenal as a Gunner before rejoining the England’s Euro ’16 camp. I’ll be happy, delighted and elated as this will put paid to all the oppositions opposed to Vardy joining Arsenal.

    Despite her denial on twitter, I believe Wag Rebekah must certainly be involved in her new husband’s decision in his acceptance of the Arsenal offer offered him to move to Arsenal. There is no way Rebekah who has gotten Vardy charmed by her to the extend of getting married to her against his parents objections to the marriage, will not have a big role she played to get him to leave Leicester for Arsenal.

    Women need financial security to take care of themselves and their children. And if a greener pasture of making a good money does suddenly appeared from no where to their husbands to make that good money, and it won’t be dangerous to get the money, they will certainly encouraged their husbands to go after getting that good money. And I think that’s what Wag Rebekah has done.

    Nevertheless, I will not blame Wag Rebekah if for the good money Vardy will make at Arsenal she influenced him to come to us. As for me, I am grateful to her for influencing Vardy to come to Arsenal because we need him to be there.

    Who wouldn’t like to make some good money. I certainly will like to make some good money if I get the chance to make it lawfully and it’s not dangerous because I need money even now to take care of myself.

    Any hope of the Boss concluding a marquee signing of a CB for Arsenal (Kalidou Koulibaly?) who must be a far upgrade to whatever CB defending Rhinosacker and De Abreu can offer Arsenal before the commencement of Euro 2016? Difficult.

  7. Virginia, Danny and Theo? Hun. Haven’t we had them now for a while? And in the case of Theo, it’s been quite more than a while.

    Has the big injury Theo suffered in the Cup game against Spurs at the Ems forced him to regressed in the quality of his game for Arsenal? And has the continuous big injury picking by Welbeck which has been sidelining him for long spells restricted his contributions to Arsenal games?

    Should Arsenal remain static on these 2 players for years waiting for them to recover their lost forms and playing time consistency.

    Arsenal are a big professional football club side who have got to move-on as they strive to win titles.

    virg, the signing of Morata which is not yet in the horizon will not inhibit the progress of any youth player at Arsenal who has the required ingredient of making it at Arsenal. Rather Morata coming to Arsenal could encourage and enhanced the youths progress at Arsenal.

    Mark you virg, we haven’t yet heard of Real Madrid activating their buyback clause of Morata. So his likely coming to Arsenal largely remained in the offing.

    After the Boss has concluded the transfer of Vardy to us today, I believe he will want to switch his attention at the signing of a marquee CB and likely a top quality LB for Arsenal. nonetheless, I understand he’s eyeing the possibility at signing a top Armenian right midfielder from Dortmond according to reports in the media. If the Boss does sign him, he may give top competition to Walcott, Wilshere and Iwobi at that position for their money

    Notwithstanding, a top quality left winger signing of the versatile Morata’s caliber will still be needed at Arsenal’s left-wing position to complement the efforts of Alexis and Campbell for Arsenal. And to tight any loose nut in the Arsenal squad before the season campaign opened.

  8. maybe people at arseblog get their head stuck into their own arseh0l3 far too long. as for the media headline when it came to Arsenal, more negative the headline the better the media and bloggetas people feel about themself.

  9. Tony,
    The tone of this article and your comment re: sic & LL, more or less encapsulates why I tune into UA several times a day.
    Omnia probate bonum tenete
    was my school motto and I have endeavoured to live life in this way, at some cost to my liver and brain cell population it has to be said.
    I do not to rise to the bait when my Spud following chums point this out to me, vis-a-vis my support for t’Gunners
    In accordance with your request to follow UA on Fbook, I shall endeavour to set this up although my technical skills are somewhat limited
    Twitter does not exist in my world
    Wot larks, eh?
    Cheers mate

  10. SamuelAkinsolaAdbosin

    Thank God it’s Sunday and I have nothing better to do than read football blogs.
    Anyway, I took the trouble to read yours in detail (for a change) as I usually find it far too long and I’m sure I’ve developed Attention Deficit Disorder.
    So the thing that sticks out is your take on Rebekah.
    Did you know that within a year of retiring: A) 30% of footballers marriages end in divorce, B) 40% of them go bankrupt (this may have something to do with A) and C) 80% develop osteoarthritis?
    So perhaps Rebekah is planning her own future here.

  11. The media saw Wenger and Dein together at Wembley and it seem’s Arsene Wenger may have been there to watch Vardy at least according to them. If he was there to look over a player why could it not be Daniel S of Liverpool. He has age in his favour and is a proven goal scorer over more than one season, he has had his injuries promble’s but seems to have hit a good end of season run out for his club. I don’t know why AW was at Wembley but I know who I would prefer to see in an Arsenal Shirt but we won’t know until the club announce if we have bought another player and that’s how it should be. Whoever comes to the club will be welcomed but I admit if it’s Vardy I will have my own reservations, others may want him at the club and that is there own opinion and they are entitled to that as we all are, Vardy antic’s this past season just leaves me cold.

  12. Vardy maybe, but AW and DD could well have been looking at how well Jack and Sterling play together?

  13. Looks like the transfer of Vardy is complete.

    The news below is from two official Bein Sports main commentators. Fhad Otaibi and Issam Chawali. Try logging into facebook, and use the option in the post to translate.

    Link 1

    Link 2

    And what do I think of this signing? I will comment about it later.

  14. Never mind the my comment above, just found out the facebook pages are not official, they are fan made.

    Please ignore, false alarm.

  15. Linda darling 😉 I agree with you totally.

    What Wenger was doing with Dein at Wembley was checking the acoustics for spuds & chavs. They must be advising the parties on costs, pros & cons!!

    Roll on next season! boring Euros to go through first after Brexit & independence. 😉

    Incidentally that is why Arsenal are buying British.

  16. Menace

    Read somewhere that Wenger is on the Remain side and was quite shocked to read it. Maybe it isn’t true.


    Not on Facebook or Twitter either. The grandchildren thinks I’m so old-fashioned but I don’t care.

  17. Meance
    I guess you and I are alike, we call it as we see it and wear our hearts on are sleeves but it’s the only way I know and I would not have it any other way.☺️

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