Talk Sport: isn’t it time for an abject apology over your Arsenal prediction?

By Tony Attwood

On 3 September Talk Sport ran the headline “Really?”

Beneath that they said…

Arsene Wenger claims bottom of the table Arsenal are in ‘good shape’ and rules out any potential return to the Emirates

Note the use of the word “Really?”  at the top of the first article, and the use of “amusingly” in the second.  They are sarcastically disbelieving of Wenger’s measured words and laughing as a fan is “forced to” apologise.

And the point here is that Talk Sport and Connor Andrews have repeatedly utterly failed to apologise about Andrews’ first sneering piece, but find it amusing that someone else would have the ability and decency to apologise for making the same error.

It is of course not just the appalling Talk Sport that does this, but it is the fact that it does it all so blatantly day after day that is frustrating.  And it is not because this radio station / website is owned by the Times, but rather that like the Times it champions itself as the place where you can really what the world is all about.

We might also note that ever since then the sprout has abjectly failed to mention any of the form guides, showing Arsenal operating at a level close to that of Liverpool and Manchester City.

So the piece says of Arteta, “The first-time coach secured an FA Cup soon after taking over in 2019, but has since seen his reputation plummet with a poor 2020/21 campaign, and a disastrous start to the current season.”

The fact is it is the reputation of Talk Sport that has plummeted to depths previously not explored by any of the sports media (except perhaps the Daily Mirror and the rest of the Reach plc media) sneeringly saying “Yet despite things looking bad this campaign, Wenger puts The Gunner’s poor form down to the quality of the opposition,” quoting Mr Wenger as saying, “Today the club is in good shape.  They had two tough games, the team has potential and I hope they can come back.”

The Sprout then went on to say talk about “under-pressure Arteta, with former Inter Milan, Chelsea and Juventus boss Antonio Conte leading the way at 3/1” to replace him.

The fact is of course that there never was any move to replace Mr Arteta, especially after the last two-thirds of the previous season (which Talk Sport utterly ignored) in which Arsenal were the second-best performing team in the league.

Arsenal then built a completely new defence and suffered an outbreak of illness in the squad which TalkSport failed to take into account instead taking it as a given that Arteta would be ousted, thus giving the station more chance to talk its gibberish.    

Fortunately for all of us, Arsenal is not run by Talk Sport, which remains a pathetically stupid radio station.

Talking of which it is also fortunate that the club no longer has Alisha Usmanov involved,  In January 2017, Usmanov’s holding company, USM, did a deal with Everton for the naming rights of the club’s training ground, now known as USM Finch Farm. It is a rather curious naming deal for it is a little difficult to see what possible financial benefit is there to any Usmanov company in that arrangement.  But I am sure there must be one and I am not looking in the right place. 

Other clubs with Russian ownership include Chelsea, of course, which is 100% Russian owned, and Bournemouth, owned by Maxim Denim likewise 100% Russian.  Interestingly there is no Russian ownership of clubs in Spain, Germany and Italy, where they seem to be a little more careful about who owns a club.

If the UK really is serious about striking back at Russian interests in the UK, Chelsea and Everton will face a difficult time.  But of course, Talk Sport aren’t mentioning that.

14 Replies to “Talk Sport: isn’t it time for an abject apology over your Arsenal prediction?”

  1. We are accustomed to reading “negative” reports on our Arsenal team/club/directors/
    supporter etc, etc. We ignore the ramblings of these deluded morons, who feel the need to denigrate anything Arsenal. Jog on you muppets, jog on!

  2. Talksport,The Sun,BBC, Mirror and some few others like that,they are same of the same, writing gibberish about Arsenal,just making themselves look like a 🤡

  3. Thing is Arsenal is a club with worldwide supporters.
    In London, or I should say, in any part south of a Liverpool/Manchester line drawn on a map, it is the most popular club of the PL worldwide.
    It has a history, which some newly rich clubs cannot buy.

    IMHO, much of the so-called press would not dare hit on Pool! or Manure the way they go after anything Arsenal related, it would not resonate they would have to face the ire of those 2 clubs. And they would not earn money by clicks. But going after Arsenal is a sure bet to earn money, and there is no risk of a backlash.

    And they just ignore the blatant incompetence of the FA, of the PL apparatus and of PGMOL. If you look back at refereeing, you are seeing that more and more the ageing referees are being totally disconnected from football, incapable of managing the game at hand and making decisions each and everyone can see are plainly wrong. Just look at the total ridiculous bluder of Friend and Atkinson at the last minute of the Wolves game with the substitution and the lame attempt of the Wolves coach to take the blame on himself.

  4. Don’t make the mistake of believing these people give a $h!t

    My argument is that they know full well they are talking c**p. They have an agenda to follow, whatever the reason may be, and they follow it.

    Criticising Arsenal and everything WE do is what THEY do.

    They are hardly going to apologise for following their own editorial policy are they.

    Don’t forget this mob found a way to criticise the invincible’s.

  5. Nitram,

    were they not in their full right to criticise the Invincibles ?
    I mean, not letting any PL team beat them for the whole of the season, but letting some teams get a tie was a blatant disregard of competitive practives, disrespect of neutrality, democracy and affected some league teams more then others. Or was it not ?!?!

    Had they won all games, that would have been ok.

    Or maybe then they would have brought Arsenal in front of anti-trust courts arguing Arsenal were striving for a monopoly and must be split info Arse FC and Nal FC….

  6. Talking about invincibles….Manure have been invincible again today….
    2 points ahead and 3 games behind Arsenal.
    One result that went our way

  7. #matchfixing is trending on Twitter now after the obvious miscarriage of VAR in the Everton vs. Man City game. Everton fans are rightly incensed, and the City SWF fanboys are desperately trying to deflect attention away from it.

    Are Man. City being helped to the League Title? I still remember Chris Foy’s idiotic statement “Contact is part of football” after Aymeric LaPorte hit Calum Chambers with a left-hook during the Man. City match in August.

  8. Talksport early Thursday morning discussing Burnley’s 1 0 success against Spurs :-
    “you could only rely on Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester City to win 1 0 at Burnley – the same cannot be said of Arsenal,
    Spurs, West Ham or Wolves”
    Their knowledge of the current season failed to realise that Arsenal won 1 0 there on 18th September.
    My reservations about the performances of messrs Atkinson and Moss proved to be well founded. How the pair of them failed to award us obvious penalties is scandalous but so predictable. Moss was blowing like a dray horse in the latter stages on Saturday while Atkinson seemed to lose the plot completely during the farcical substitution episode.
    Wolves time wasting caused their downfall which was so gratifying.

  9. They produce the crap they do because we click on their nauseating click bait sites or tune in to their juvenile radio station. So don’t click or tune in.

  10. allzkev

    Ok then, lets assume ‘Talkshite’ decide to start broadcasting lies and insults about you and yours on a daily basis. Lies and insults that affect your life. It affects how your wife and kids feel about you. Your wife is convinced you’re having an affair. Your kids think you going to walk out on them. Even some of your workmates turn up talking the same shite.

    But it’s all lies, all of it.

    Is that all right ? Would it be okay for me to just say, ‘just don’t listen to them’ ? Just tell your wife to ignore them ? Of course it’s not.

    This notion of yours that just ignoring things is all you have to do and it will go away is frankly worrying.

    I do hope you never face any problems in life because your solution of rolling over and having your belly tickled is never a good look.

  11. come on now Nitram. that’s allezkev opinion and solution so we should respect that. maybe by not consume all the mainstream media nonsense gave him peace of mind in his daily life plus his wife and kids has nothing to do with it. just let him be and (if he get smear) i think he can handle his personal life his own way

  12. no problem my gooner.i knew how you feel man,when the mainstream media constantly nonstop talk shit about Arsenal.even when we win a match it’s always about the opposition was so bad that day.they rarely gave Arsenal credit(pundits and media alike) and the goal post always changing in their stance regarding Arsenal.i like how this season Arsenal is making a fool out of them

  13. It is our History. The Great Sir Henry Norris gave them a ‘bloody nose’, they didn’t like it and so, ironically after his lifetime ban, have been spouting non-stop negative vitriol about our Great Club since. As a form of reciprocation, my father and I sent a Black Wreath to the offices of the Daily Fail in 1998, offering our sincerest condolences, after our 2nd Double.

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