Probert: “I wouldn’t have him in charge of a kindergarden game let alone one in the premier league”

Newcastle v Arsenal 29 December 2013 – The match officials Referee – Lee Probert Assistants – I Hussin and M Scholes Fourth Official – A Marriner Second time this year for Mr Probert – he was in charge for our 4-1 win over Norwich on 19 October.  Here is Walter’s post match report. The fastest …

Untold’s submission to the FA enquiry: “sort out the coaching, sort out the FA”

In September Football Association chairman Greg Dyke announced a commission to ascertain why so few English footballers make it to the top level. As we did with the Parliamentary commission of enquiry into football, wherein Phil Gregory wrote Untold’s reply, Untold has now made its submission to the FA. This time I wrote it, and …

Arsenal fear the worst, RVP wants a move

Media Review By Tony Attwood Arsenal fear the worst screams the Daily Telegraph today, over the news that our “top scorer” is likely to be out for months and months.   Well, four weeks anyway. I’ll come back to that in a moment, because no sooner had I focussed on that headline from today’s papers than …