Abuse of young players in football clubs: authorities duck, but action is happening

  Arsenal desperately need a striker because you can’t score goals with kids. (Oh!) By Tony Attwood If you are a regular reader you will know that I have brought up the issue of the abuse of young players in football clubs several times – both the sexual abuse of which there have been some …

Arsenal desperately need a striker because you can’t score goals with kids. (Oh!)

  By Tony Attwood English media doubles down on its effort to protect English referees All of the media’s negativity and tension were unleashed on Arsenal prior to last night’s match, and Arsenal responded by telling the media where they could stick it, and come to that where they could stick themselves.  We were endlessly …

Arsenal: the final countdown.

  By Bulldog Drummond Here is the Champions League table as it ended at the conclusion of the opening League programme of eight games each. As we can see Arsenal got five points more at PSV, but scored the same number of goals as the opposition tonight.  However, the trick was in the defence which …

PSV v Arsenal: the team and a reminder of how good the group round was

    By Bulldog Drummond PSV v Arsenal latest thoughts and some more excuses (of course) PSV v Arsenal: the game the media seek to avoid PSV v Arsenal: Can Arsenal match a team that has scored 3 goals a game this season? In the build up to tonight’s game Football 365 have a quote from …

PSV v Arsenal: the game the media seek to avoid

      100 years since Chapman came to Arsenal: Latest article:  Chapman leaves Huddersfield and replaces Knighton at Arsenal PSV v Arsenal PSV v Arsenal: Can Arsenal match a team that has scored 3 goals a game this season? Counter attacks are Arsenal’s weapon without a centre forward By Bulldog Drummond There seems to be …

PSV v Arsenal: Can Arsenal match a team that has scored 3 goals a game this season?

  English media doubles down on its effort to protect English referees Even football clubs at the top can make losses. But why do the owners allow it? By Bulldog Drummond There seems little doubt that Saka will not be playing in this round of the Champions League, but could be back in time for …

English media doubles down on its effort to protect English referees

  Latest in our series on 100 years since Herbert Chapman joined Arsenal: Chapman leaves Huddersfield and replaces Knighton at Arsenal On Untold Arsenal…. Man C being investigated of financial deception by the European Commission How the media keep the football conspiracy theories running By Tony Attwood For a newspaper from a country in which …

Even football clubs at the top can make losses. But why do the owners allow it?

  By Tony Attwood Man C being investigated of financial deception by the European Commission How the media keep the football conspiracy theories running Liverpool made a financial loss of £57m in 2023/24 compared to Arsenal’s loss of £17.7 million.  The previous year, Liverpool’s loss was £52.1 million compared to Arsenal’s loss of £52.4 million.    …

Counter attacks are Arsenal’s weapon without a centre forward

  Man C being investigated of financial deception by the European Commission How the media keep the football conspiracy theories running Commemorating 100 years since Herbert Chapman came to Arsenal: a new episode in the series is published today.   By Tony Attwood Liverpool, Manchester City, Tottenham Hotspur and Chelsea have all scored more goals than …

Gunners at the Ready: How Arsenal Fans Can Savour the Matchday Experience

  Being an Arsenal supporter isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s not something you pick up casually, like a hobby or a gym membership, and drop the moment it becomes inconvenient. No, Arsenal is a long-term commitment, like a stubborn relative who insists on calling at inconvenient times or a dog that chews through …