Untold Ref Review: Blackburn 0 – Chelsea 1

By Ref Reviewer 02


We reviewed the game between Blackburn and Chelsea. Ref was Mike Dean and let us see how he did this game.

Min Type Foul from On C/NC Comment points weight
3 Offside Samba C 1 1
5 Foul Formica Lampard C 1 1
7 Foul Lampard Lowe N/C missed by Ref 0 0
17 Foul Ramirez Hoillett C 1 1
20 Penalty Sturridge C Sturridge runs across Samba forcing the contact and falls to the floor, no pen 1 3
25 Foul Pedersson Ramirez C 1 1
26 Foul Formica Terry C 1 1
26 Foul Mata Yakubu C Mata bear hugs Yak to prevent a breakaway, could be a yellow but ref shows leniency 1 1
27 Handball Yak C 1 1
31 Offside Samba C 1 1
32 Foul Ivanovic Yakubu C 1 1
33 Offside Hoilett N/C Clearly onside from a long ball 0 0
36 Offside Sturridge C 1 1
38 Foul Rochelle Cole N/C Cole lost the ball after turning into Rochelle 0 0
39 Foul Givet Malouda C again could have been a yellow ref is lenient 1 1
47 Foul Pedersson Malouda N/C The Refs view may have been blocked by Mata, but it was right in front of assistant, this was not only a foul but a straightforward yellow as run was blocked with shoulder 0 0
47 Yellow Pedersson N/C was an easy one missed 0 0
50 Foul Nzonzi Mikel C 1 1
Half time 13 15
CORRECT 72,22% 71,43%
YELLOW 0 1 0,00
PENALTY 1 1 100,00
OTHER 0 1 0,00
Total 1 3 33,33
OFFSIDE 3 4 75,00
Second half
49 Other C Good advantage played by Ref 1 1
50 Goal C Lampard header 1 3
54 Handball Lowe C 1 1
54 Yellow Lowe N/C The ball bounced awkwardly and hit his hand. I do not see how this was a booking, the standard has been set 0 0
55 Foul Mikel Yakubu C 1 1
56 Other C good advantage played,Chelseanearly score 1 1
59 Foul Rochina Mikel N/C Jumped into him in an aerial challenge with the intention of hurting him, which he does, the ref gives nothing 0 0
59 Yellow Rochina N/C This was adangerous challenge that floored Mikel and should have been a yellow 0 0
61 Offside Torres C Yes he is playing 1 1
64 Foul Ramirez Nzonzi C 1 1
66 Foul Yakubu Alex N/C Push in back missed as Yak nearly scores 0 0
68 Foul Hanley Torres C 1 1
68 Yellow Hanley C Through the back of player 1 2
71 Foul Torres Pederson C 1 1
73 Foul Yakubu Ramirez N/C Missed right in front of him 0 0
76 Foul Alex Dunn C Giving ref the benefit of the doubt 1 1
76 Yellow Sturridge C 1 2
76 Yellow Givet C Don’t know what either of these were for as it happened down pitch and off camera 1 2
78 Foul Pedersson Sturridge C 1 1
78 Yellow Pedersson C 1 1
79 Foul Formica Sturridge C 1 1
81 Foul Pedersson Ramirez C 1 1
83 Handball Cole C 1 1
88 Foul Mierelles Pederson C 1 1
88 Yellow Mierelles C good decision for a heavy challenge 1 2
90 Foul Mierelles Ollsson C 1 1
93 Foul Lampard Yakubu C 1 1
2nd half score
TOTAL 22 28
% CORRECT 81,48% 75,68%
YELLOW 5 7 71,43
RED 0 0
GOAL 1 1 100,00
OTHER 4 5 80,00
Total 10 13 76,92
OFFSIDE 1 1 100,00
TOTAL 35 43
% CORRECT 77,78% 74,14%
YELLOW 5 8 62,50
RED 0 0
PENALTY 1 1 100,00
GOAL 1 1 100,00
OTHER 4 6 66,67
Total 11 16 68,75
OFFSIDE 4 5 80,00
Correct calls ForBlackburn 15 42,86%
ForChelsea 20 57,14%
Total correct calls 35
Wrong calls AgainstBlackburn 4 40,00%
AgainstChelsea 6 60,00%
Total 10
Total fouls made by Blackburn 13 54,17%
Chelsea 11 45,83%
Total 24
Important W/C against Blackburn 1 50,00%
Chelsea 1 50,00%


A rather easy game to ref but Dean does little to inspire confidence.


Het gets too much that is easy wrong and missing dangerous and intentional challenges twice by Blackburn players.


To his credit he did get a penalty appeal right against Sturridge.