Donald Trump, now head of PGMO, gives speech on changes being made to refereeing

By our reporter on the spot, Sir Hardly Anyone

Following from his earlier announcement, and now speaking from his home in Deadhorse, Alaska,  (pictured left) President Trump has revealed more of his plans for PGMO, the ultra secretive refereeing and match controlling association in England.

To begin Mr President answered the question on everyone lips of why he was bothering with PGMO and match fixing in England.

“I think it is the role of the United States to be kind to smaller countries and small institutions and small sports and help them when they are in trouble that has gotten too far.  I like to help people but if this country gets any kinder or gentler, it’s literally going to cease to exist which a lot of people want.  Sokker needs to be less kind and I want to be less kind.

“And we’re going to sort out PGMO and refereeing in a very humane way.  We’re rounding ’em up, those referees, in a very humane way, in a very nice way. And they’re going to be happy because they want to be helped. And, by the way, I know it doesn’t sound nice. But not everything is nice.

“What I won’t do is take in two hundred thousand referees who could be ISIS… I have been watching this soccer game. And I see the people. I mean, they’re men. They’re mostly men, but they are not strong men. These are not physically young, strong men. They don’t look like prime-time soldiers. Now it’s probably not true, but where are the women?… So, you ask two things. Number one, why aren’t they playing football instead of blowing whistles,  Why aren’t they fighting for their country? And number two, I don’t want these people coming over here.  We don’t want these Brits in the United States.  That is why I am running PGMO.  To stop immigration.

“So on every soccer pitch I will build a great, great wall on the half way line, and I will have these little soccer clubs pay for that wall. Mark my words.

“As for the great match fixing scandals I think I could have stopped them years before because I have very tough illegal illegality policies, and people aren’t breaking the law any more in America unless they’re vetted and vetted properly.  That is what I will impose on PGMO.  Mass vetting.  By vets.

“You know in England rich Americans, great Americans, take over a club and make it great, and the Brits blow it up.   So we build another great stadium, and another great club, greater than the one before, and the Brits blow it up again.  And we build another and they blow it up.   In the meantime we can’t get a ****ing new stadium built in Brooklyn and I’m going to stop that.

“And at the same time “I will be phenomenal to the women referees. I mean, I want to help women.  All women.  All women love me.  They vote for me.  They adore me.  And I adore them.

“Now people ask me about those people who oppose PGMO and its referees.   And people ask me if people who argue with referees or make fun of PGMO should be punished.  They say ‘punishment, yes or no?’ and the answer is yes there has to be some form of punishment for those who oppose PGMO. Including for women.

“And they ask about gay referees.  And I tell them it’s like in golf… A lot of people – I don’t want this to sound trivial – but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive… it’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.

“But PGMO cannot allow EBOLA-infected referees back. People that go to far away places to help out with soccer and to show people the game are great – but must suffer the consequences!”

It was, I am sure you will agree another great statement by the President on behalf of PGMO, showing how PGMO and Mr Trump are made for each other.   Quite clearly his campaign to make PGMO less ultra secretive is now working, for we now have a much clearer idea of what PGMO is all about, what it is doing and why it is doing whatever it is doing.  And it is all thanks to Mr President.

Here is a link to the PGMO web site.

Here is a link to the PGMOs statistical research showing that their officials get 94% major decisions correct, 98.6% penalty area decisions correct and 99% offside decision correct: https://?????????????????

Here is a link to President Trump’s opening speech on taking over PGMO:  Donald Trump puts in bid to buy PGMO

Thank you for your attention.  More anon.

5 Replies to “Donald Trump, now head of PGMO, gives speech on changes being made to refereeing”

  1. MEMBERS OF PGMO ????????

    Frédéric Bonnans INRIA and Ecole Polytechnique,

    Pierre Carpentier ENSTA ParisTech,

    Antonin Chambolle Ecole Polytechnique,

    Sandrine Charousset EDF R&D,

    Sourour Elloumi UMA ENSTA Paris-Tech,

    Stéphane Gaubert Coordinator INRIA and Ecole Polytechnique,

    Eric Gourdin ORANGE,

    Georges Hebrail EDF R&D

    Anthony Larue Thales Optronique,

    Vianney Perchet Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay,

    Gilles Stoltz CNRS and Université Paris-Sud,

    Emmanuel Vazquez Centrale-Supélec,

    Honorary sporting members of the British section
    of PGMO

    Michel Riley IMAC HEAT Polytechnique de Nosay

    Donald Trump IMP EAC HED Ecole abnormale Paris Texas


  2. I hardly could get the Trump taking over of the PGMO gist posted in this article posting if at all it’s a gist. But nevertheless, the acknowledgment that is acknowledging the fact that the PGMO is a hyper secretive organization that is reminiscent of the infamous ILLUMINATI hyper secret society organization but with the PGMO using football refereeing as a cover to cover up as a kind of alibi for their nefarious activities cannot be denied.

    At a recent meeting that the PGMO had with some football stake holders who have made complaints on some anomalies that are existing in the operation of the Video Assistant Referees device to him that is introduced into the Premier League football matches this season to help aid the match officiating referees officials at arriving to error free decision making during their officiating in matches did not make any headway as Mike Riley, the PGMO hyper secretive organization boss cleverly deferred any changes to the VAR operation that would have been carried out with immediate effect which will see the pitch-side monitors being observed by match referees to review incidence properly when a decision made on a matter by the VAR or the match officiating officials is in doubt and is being contested by one of the opposing teams playing in the match. But alas! Mike Riley said there is nothing he could to now to review the status quo until maybe next season. Hmmm.

    And again as the issue of the lack of VAR transparency came up during the meeting when complains were made to Mike Riley by the football stakeholders over the serious lack of transparency that is being encountered during PL matches whereby football fans in the Stadium watching a match and those viewers watching the match on TV are kept in the dark as to how the decisions that were arrived have been arrived to by those manning the VAR machine, which ran contrary to the events that happened on the field of play that the fans have seen with their eyes wide opened and clearly seeing. But Mike Riley could only murmur some words to say, he’ll see what he can do to improved on the transparency aspect of the VAR operation vis a vis to the fans during PL matches next season but if condition permits to make any improvement on the VAR machine device operation. What! This is certainly outrageous answers that came from Mike Riley on some football match refereeing pressing needs that are requiring urgent attention be given to them to overcome the failing issues immediately.

    I think Arsenal should be better advised and informed to tighten up their belts properly after the international break. Because Mike Riley with his replies to the questions put to him during the football stakeholders meeting might have given the green light to his elite select PL match referees to further unleashed anti-Arsenal match refereeing in the PL against Arsenal to hamper them in their quest to go on the winning run in the PL to the end of the season after the international break so as to amass 95 points that will see them the club not only get one of the top-four places finish this season but could as well win the PL title too.

    Therefore, Emery and the Gunners should be capital ready in all ramifications more than they’ve ever been for Arsenal before to thwart all the illicit efforts in match rigging that Mike Riley will direct to Arsenal unrelenting through his match referee gangsters to block Arsenal from collecting the points that they lawfully and legitimately would henceforth have collected in their remaining 26 PL matches this season.

  3. There is a joke in the medja about that bomb. Fo.Lo is claiming to have the “truth” about the story.

  4. International football has a lot to answer for!

    Roll on some real football.

    Like the idea of Trump being stuck in Alaska in November though.

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