The Untold Banner at the Emirates: the results of the voting.

By Blacksheep

Having checked the scores I can now reveal the outcome of the votes for the Untold Banner.

I am amazed and impressed to say that just over 1300 votes were cast which shows a fantastic engagement with this site and with this idea. I also hope this gives us a mandate to go to Arsenal and request permission to get a banner put up in the stands.

I will write to Arsenal this week and set out our case, the nature of the banner and the support it has from THE MOST POSITIVE Arsenal blog site on the web. I will of course keep you all informed as to the outcome and when we might invite contributions towards the cost.

Anyway the results were as follows…

*cue drum roll*


  1. Welcome to Stadium Wenger (with 39% of the vote)
  2. Football should be an Art (31%)
  3. Arsenal can go unbeaten all season. It’s not impossible (26%)
  4. He gives us unbelievable belief (4%)


so the winner is Welcome to Stadium Wenger and if for any reason Arsenal rejects that we will offer Football should be an Art

Thanks again to everyone that voted and expressed opinions, offered support or help.


9 Replies to “The Untold Banner at the Emirates: the results of the voting.”

  1. Ha, I’m with the majority this time 😉 Mind you I can live with the others also 🙂

  2. And the official supporters club from Belgium of which I am the chairman is also working on a banner in the stadium. So if all goes well from next season on there will be 2 banners to which I will be very much attached.

  3. Late entry
    ‘Playing Football the ARSENE way ‘

    Only joking good choice , well done bound to catch the eye !

  4. I was cocksure mine was going to be the winner. Alas, it got just 4%.That will do too. I pray Arsenal will accept it.
    It’s been such a wonderful season for me. Lots of highs and lows bt overall i’v had a wonderful experience ranging 4rm player improvements to the manager’s answers to press questions and comments on a variety of issues. Already looking 4wd 2 next season – I av butterflies in my belly weneva I think abt d prospects, a smile on my face n a little grimace coz of the reality of the competition we’ll be facing.. I hope the players can add cherry on the icing of the cake.
    I’m proud to be a gunner, more happy to be an untolder. I love you all Akbs.

  5. I loved the bus parking banner but my next fave was Stadium Wenger.

    “Stadium Wenger” is superb. It will cheer all supporters, and the naysayers will be mortified.

  6. Great.

    A 2nd banner for the team? Anyone? Might as well get them done at same time. Mind you i have no idea how much these things cost.

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