Football should be an art: Mr Gazidis knows it, even when the TV interviewer stumbles

by Tony Attwood

BeIn Sports recently did an interview with Ivan Gazidis.  Nothing special about that given the changes that are happening to the club this summer, but interestingly at 6 minutes and 38 seconds the interviewer attempts to quote our banner at the stadium, and indeed the slogan we still have on this site:

Football should be an art.

She doesn’t quite get it right, but Mr Gazidis knew it straight off, and helped her out.

It’s good to know people are now occasionally quoting it, and thus re-quoting Mr Wenger, even though it has taken quite a long time to get there.

Here is the interview – the mention of Football Should Be An Art is at 6 minutes 38 seconds.

I’ve not heard anything from the club about any desire on their part to take the banner down, so I am hoping it will stay up for this next season and years to come.

Here it is

Steve who sits next to me in the ground also forwarded me this one in which Ivan Gazidis mentions it again… well, almost.

It is at 1 minute 34 seconds.

There are details of how we raised the money to do this, all those who contributed, and how it all happened on the Banner Page  

I remain eternally grateful to everyone who so kindly supported the project and made it happen, and particularly to Blacksheep who was so instrumental in the whole affair.

As you may know, Match of the Day focused on the banner too at the end of the season.  There’s a permanent link to that moment on the Banner Page, but just in case you missed it, here it is again…

If you ever do spot any other TV footage making reference to the banner do let me know.  It’s nice to know we have made a bit of an impact.


Continuing the contrasting styles of reporting Arsenal and other clubs. Today: Liverpool

The 10 Factors that make PL match fixing more likely next season

Do I really have to pay this much money for censorship, games I won’t watch, and people moaning?


10 Replies to “Football should be an art: Mr Gazidis knows it, even when the TV interviewer stumbles”

  1. Didn’t realise that was you guys! One of my favourites. Thanks.

  2. I do hope it stays there but I really don’t know that with the picture of Wenger on it, it will be held there when the new manager is in place….

  3. I’m sure they will keep it up there Tony, unless Mr Wenger wants it to adorn his bathroom (which I think Jennie – who designed it) would be even more pleased about! I love looking across to it from my perch on the NBL each time I go,

  4. It’s a difficult one, with or without the photo of Arsene. I think no but the text is part of Arsenal

  5. Off topic and a reminder. The final of the U21 Toulon tournament is just about to start. It is on Freesport. Channel 95 on freeview tv.

    One minute and 17 seconds in and Mexico have the lead. Two defensive mistakes and a simple chance in off the left hand post

  6. England now 2 – 1 up, the second a good side footed shot following an excellent Nketiah Ron on the left side and exquisite cut back.

  7. Proud to be even distantly associated (as an Untold supporter) with such a great and famous banner and another huge thank you to Blacksheep and everyone who made it possible.

  8. England won the Toulon u21 tournament.
    Eddie Nketiah’s goal against Scotland was adjudged as best goal of the tournament.

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