By Marcel Bogaerts. Marcel is the (excellent) treasurer of the Arsenal Belgium supporters club from our co-writer Walter Broeckx. He has been an Arsenal supporter since many many years and is the oldest (board)member of the supporters club. A supporters club that since Walter and the new board took over has prospered like never before …
Read More “Arsenal-Newcastle, Mozart, the trip and catering report”
By Walter Broeckx I think for those people who understand German and who know a bit of German geography the title is somewhat double in their meaning. People who know the German geography will say: now wait a minute Essen is a city in Germany just as Dortmund. And despite Essen and Dortmund both being …
Read More “Essen in Dortmund, and the catering review”
By Tony Attwood As the season began I raised the suggestion that we might do a review of places to eat before the games. I’ve got a number of suggestions and some reviews, but I am keen to get more. Ideally I’d like a review, but if not, please suggest a place with the name …
Read More “Arsenal v Man C: catering preview: The Swimmer at the Grafton Arms”
By Tony Attwood Towards the end of last night’s match it started to rain. And I really mean rain. Rain so heavy and unremitting that one rarely sees in England. Yes it rains in England, but not rain that within minutes swamps your shoes which are designed for dodgy weather, makes your jeans weigh 20 …
Read More “At the moment of the last report, I was wet”