by Tony Attwood Now here is a turn up. The Untold Arsenal Editorial Board (also known as that bunch in the corner of the Toppled Bollard public house, on the Rutland / Northants border, along with our friends in Switzerland and other exotic places) was very much of the opinion that “Financial Fair Play” …
Read More “Did Uefa collude with Man City in an FFP cover up across the last four years?”
By Tony Attwood When it comes to England games something strange happens to the reporting. and not just with the delicate way the media handles the FA, suggesting that they might be reasonable decent set of people trying hard to do their job (as opposed to them being a bunch of charlatans happy to take …
Read More “Would you trust a bankrupt corner store with £600 million of taxpayers’ money”
By Tony Attwood If you have been reading Untold for a long old time you’ll know that the issues of football finances is one that we like to dig into off and on – and not just regarding Arsenal. And there’s a good reason for that, because when we started, nearly 10 years ago, …
Read More “The return of FFP with a vengeance. Two PL clubs now face serious financial battles if relegated”
By Tony Attwood Our correspondent in Switzerland has just come up with the calculation that the English players in the top level of the academy at Arsenal outnumber the non-English by two to one. The suggestion is that there is some serious forward thinking going on, judging by the way the transfer market …
Read More “Are we now in a two tier price structure when it comes to buying players?”
By Tony Attwood There is a problem with the way football is reported in England and it is this. There is always an assumption that how things are now will be how things are next year. Only bigger. It is curious because serious journalists working in other areas of reporting rarely fall into such a …
Read More “The Premier League finances are utterly unsustainable. But will Arsenal survive?”
By Tony Attwood A couple of years back I had the temerity to question the financial blogger’s Swiss Ramble’s insight into one aspect of football finance. The level of abuse I received in return was astonishing – it was a sort of journalistic equivalent of “not fit to wear the shirt”. So each time I …
Read More “How the Deloittes Rich List tells us something vital that everyone seems to miss.”
If you are a season ticket holder at Arsenal, and you can’t get to a game, you can try and sell your ticket on Arsenal’s Ticket Exchange which is owned an operated by Arsenal. It is not perfect, and as I found when trying to sell my ticket for Arsenal v Tottenham in the FA …
Read More “Tottenham fans object to the way tickets are sold”