By Tony Attwood Journalists in general rarely apologise for getting things wrong – and when they do it is generally only when forced to. Football journalists go further; they simply don’t ever admit they were wrong. In fact they make it up as they go along, and then ignore any protests about the fact that …
By Dr Billy “the dog” McGraw, chief psychologist at the University College Hospital of the North Circular Road. The dismissal of nine players by FC Sion has taken on a particular importance in European football, as much of the continent is now watching to see how things begin to shake out, following the “interesting” behaviour …
by Tony Attwood In part one of this series The 10 ways football is changing as a result of the virus: part one. – we looked at salary caps and the notion that clubs could turn on Manchester City and their endless supply of capital. Now here are a couple more ways in which football …
By Timothy Cassidy For 29 games, Liverpool have played some of the best football we have ever seen. Until the post-Christmas break, it was hard to even imagine them being beaten. Of course, time, fatigue, injuries and well-organized and motivated adversaries eventually lead to their one league defeat having also only drawn one match (in …
By Tony Attwood 1: Salary caps in the Premier League Across the world, but most particularly in Europe, clubs are getting into a financial pickle, largely because a) they have no money coming in from sponsors, gate receipts, broadcasting, advertisers and the like, but b) they are still paying their players. This might be a …
By Sir Hardly Anyone Well yes, there is a growing awareness that civilisation as we know it has come to an end, and there is no football being played. But we still have a bunch of bananas writing in the national newspapers and associated websites and they are determined to pretend that everything will start …
By Tony Attwood The Athletic has admitted it; a huge amount (quite possibly most) of football reporting is pure and simple rubbish. In a recent article the online magazine says, “We often do not find out how much signings cost, we are never told how much people are paid and we rarely witness what actually …
by Tony Attwood So the drive towards salvation has started as (ignored by the majority of blogs) European clubs try to cut salaries. What is clear however is that clubs really don’t have any idea how to do this and for every club that is trying to reach reasoned compromises with players over salaries, and …
By Tony Attwood So here is the argument: Matchday money has stopped. TV money has stopped. But salaries continue. And that is not good news for the clubs. Just how bad the bad news is can be seen by this table. We’ve run it before, but now here are two extra columns as the situation …
By Walter Broeckx With the whole World suffering under the corona crisis, football is not really the main focus of most people. But the impact on football is big. And this is also the case in Belgium football. As most of the media in the UK is still sticking their heads in the sand and …
by Tony Attwood According to reports in the European media FC Barcelona were already in a certain amount of financial difficulty before the Corona crisis. Now they really do have a problem. All of which may seem rather hard to imagine especially since it was only on 19 September 2019 that Óscar Grau, executive director …
By Tony Attwood There really does seem to be a feeling among many journalists that a) this season will resume some time soon, b) titles, promotion and relegation will be resolved in the normal way c) next season will happen and all this will seem like a weird interlude of a few weeks. But actually …
By Tony Attwood and Christophe Jost And so slowly, very slowly, the media starts to get it. If you stop football for a while, then there will be economic consequences of mega-proportions from which many clubs may well never recover. The Daily Star (yes really) said, “the loss of TV rights money, matchday revenue, European …
Today’s story from the Arsenal anniversary files is of Mark Randall, and man who in his early days appeared to be destined for great things (and Mr Wenger appeared to agree with that) but who could never settle at Arsenal, and indeed appears to have had difficulty settling anywhere else. And yet in his role …
By Sir Hardly Anyone Yes while Belarus keeps playing football, and many (although not it seems not all) of England’s journalists dream that it will all be ok soon and the mighty transfer window will swing open before it crashes shut, and the money will roll in like it has never been stopped from rolling …
Earlier today we published an article by our Swiss / German friend Christophe “The day Arsenal broke the Premier League” reflecting on how the English media is reporting the current football situation in England. Now we have a letter by our regular correspondent Don McMahon, a retired referee, from North America. —– Dear Tony You …
By Christophe Jost I must be transparent. I do not live in the UK, I am of German and Swiss descent, work in France and Switzerland, and have lived in quite a few countries so far in my life. Some of the countries are rich, some are poor. So my vision may be a galaxy …
As you probably realise, each day we publish a list of 20 or more anniversary events related to Arsenal, for that day, on the Arsenal History Society site. We write a bit of background on each item and then try to do a bit more digging in relation to one particular person mentioned on that …
by Tony Attwood Premier League executives have been told it will cost them £762 million in lost broadcast revenue if the 2019-20 season fails to finish due to the coronavirus, according to The Athletic. This sum is calculated to be the amount paid by the TV companies that contract to show games, with the money …
By Tony Attwood Football’s club owners don’t do crises very well. And football journalists don’t do the reporting of crises very well either. The history of crises in football is by and large a history of club owners digging their heels in and saying any change will result in the end of football as we …
The answer, as you might guess, as it is asked here, is Arsenal. And the topic has arisen on the Arsenal History Society website since on this day in 1907 Arsenal lost in the FA Cup semi-final for the second year running. They did not make it back to the semi-final for 20 years. At …
By Tony Attwood Windfalls in monetary terms are generally defined as an unexpected gain in income which could be due to winning a lottery, an unforeseen inheritance, or a tax refund that you didn’t expect. But Football.London, the website that publishes around 40 Arsenal stories a day, some of which are, perhaps we might say, …
By Christophe Jost and Tony Attwood Looking at what is happening in Germany there appears to be much more acceptance in Germany than there is in England of the reality that now football has stopped the financial consequences could be huge. There seems to be far less of the talk in Germany about the huge …
22 March is the day on which the clubs that went on to be founder members of the original football league came together for the first time, to discuss how things were going to be done. Arsenal of course were not part of it – it took Arsenal another five and a half years to …
Premier League: The best bromances of the league For centuries, football has always gathered millions of fans around the world regardless of race or religion. However, apart from this solidarity around football fans, it also happens that links are formed between players of the same team. We tend to forget it but football is above …